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He's an imitative artist, with very little originality in his work.他是个模仿别人的艺术家,作品中很少有自己的独创。She's wearing one of her original fashion creations.她身着一款自己独创的时装。Pepys single-handedly invented the diary as a literary form.佩皮斯独创了日记体这种文学形式。He was better at yessing than at developing original ideas.他更善于附和,而不善于提出独创见解。The scientist broke new ground in his book about rare animals.这位科学家在他那本有关珍稀动物的著作中有独创见解。Woolf's writing was completely original - nothing like it had ever been done before.吴尔夫的作品完全是独创的一—是前所未有的。 |