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词汇 狂欢
例句 The feasting, drinking, dancing, and revelry continued for several days.胡吃海喝、跳舞狂欢持续了好几天。The Spanish really know how to party.西班牙人真懂得如何狂欢They come to eat and drink, to swim, to party. Sometimes they never go to bed.他们来吃喝、游泳、狂欢,有时都不睡觉。We usually get together with our friends for a booze-up at Christmas.圣诞节我们通常跟朋友们聚在一起痛饮狂欢After raves, we used to chill out in each others' bedrooms.以前每次狂欢派对过后,我们都会到彼此的卧室去放松一下。We couldn't wait to go out and rage.我们等不及要出去狂欢Charlotte was dressed for a night on the tiles.夏洛特为彻夜狂欢精心打扮了一番。The big chamber was the scene of many innocent revels.这间大房子是许多无害狂欢的场所。They brought the spirit of carnival to their concerts.他们给演唱会带来狂欢的气氛。You should have come with us last night - we had a real blast!昨天晚上你真该跟我们一起来,我们痛快地狂欢了一场!The stadium was a madhouse when the team won the championship.当球队赢得冠军杯时,体育场变成了狂欢之地。As usual, the party was an absolute riot.该聚会与往常一样是一次狂欢The feasting, drinking, dancing and revelry continued for several days.一连几天都是宴会、痛饮、舞蹈和狂欢He found congenial officers who knew how to leaven war's rigours with riotous enjoyment.他找到了懂得用狂欢来冲淡战争的严酷的志趣相投的军官。The press luridly reported his wild parties and feuds with other celebrities.报纸把他的狂欢派对以及他与其他名人之间的不和写得骇人听闻。They spent a riotous night drinking and singing.他们饮酒唱歌狂欢了一夜。Now I'm going to rest and revel to my heart's content.现在我要休息,并狂欢到我心满意足。The star lists his likes as "my new Porsche, my girlfriend, and staying up all night."这个流行歌星说他的最爱是“我的保时捷新车、女友和彻夜狂欢”。He became inebriated after attending a binge party.他参加一个狂欢派对之后就变得醉醺醺的。The Carnival and street parade takes place on bank holiday Monday.星期一公休日举行狂欢和街头巡游活动。They're going to their neighbours' for a shindig.他们去邻居家里狂欢This holiday is my final fling before I start college.这个假期是我上大学前的最后一次狂欢The wedding was a blast.那场婚礼是一场狂欢After hearing of the victory of our side, we spent the whole of that evening making whoopee.获悉我方获胜后,那天整晚我们都在狂欢中度过。We usually go out on the town on Friday nights.我们通常在周五晚上出去狂欢The beer festival was a huge open-air jamboree with music, stalls and everyone enjoying themselves.啤酒节是一场大型的露天狂欢,有音乐和货摊,每个人都尽情享乐。We'd been up carousing till the early hours and were exhausted.我们痛饮狂欢一直到凌晨,个个都筋疲力尽了。I am a great fan of rave music.我是锐舞狂欢乐的狂热乐迷。He was exhausted after a night of revelry.通宵的狂欢后他感到筋疲力尽。Police believe many of the ravers were on drugs.警方认为许多参加狂欢舞会的人都吸毒。Here's a picture of us larging it up in Brighton last summer.这是一张我们去年夏天在布莱顿狂欢的照片。The revelries next door kept me awake all night.隔壁喧闹的狂欢声吵得我彻夜未眠。Old faces and new talents are making it big on the rave scene.新老面孔在这场狂欢中都大放异彩。The revels often last until dawn.狂欢常常持续到黎明。They were drowned in riot all night.他们通宵沉浸在狂欢之中。He had gone on a drinking spree with friends.他去和朋友们畅饮狂欢了一通。The concert was a sonic extravaganza. 这场音乐会是一次音乐的狂欢




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