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词汇 巧妙
例句 Her latest book is clever, funny, and well-written - a very good read.她最新的小说巧妙有趣,文笔好,读起来很引人入胜。These shelves have been designed very cleverly to fit into corners.这些架子设计得很巧妙,恰好能放进墙角里。This production is a happy wedding of taste, talent,and technique.这作品是鉴赏趣味、天才和技巧的巧妙结合。It would be a neat solution to the problem.这将是一个巧妙的解决方法。The sundress has a neat back zip fastening.这件背心裙背部有一个巧妙的拉链。We can count on him for a good wheeze.我们可以指望他出个巧妙的主意。She had used make-up skilfully to mask the bruise.她用巧妙的化妆把淤伤遮住。The film's potential for cloying sentimentality is neatly avoided.这部电影巧妙避免了可能出现的过度煽情。One of our designers has come up with a neat idea for storing computer disks.我们当中有位设计人员想出了一个简单又巧妙的办法存放电脑磁盘。Our clever tactics confounded our opponents.我们的巧妙战术弄得对手不知所措。To be free in New York, however, requires street smarts, the cunning of the survivor.然而,想要在纽约活得自在就得有适应城市环境的巧妙生活能力,也就是说,需要有死里逃生者那样的机警性。The whole job was handled very professionally.整件工作处理得很巧妙She had prepared an elaborate excuse for her absence.她为缺席编好了一个巧妙的借口。A series of impressive manoeuvres by the chairman had secured a lucrative contract for the company.董事长采取了一连串十分巧妙的策略,使公司得到了一份利润丰厚的合同。The manuscripts - written in a mysterious code - were a clever hoax.这些手稿是用难以理解的密码写成的,真是巧妙的花招。With the help of skilful gerrymandering, the Party has never lost an election since.凭借巧妙划分选区的手段,该党从那以后没输掉过一场选举。Funds were not abundant and clever improvisation was necessary.资金并不富余,巧妙的临场应变是必要的。This short story is a powerfully crafted cameo.这部短篇小说构思巧妙,极具感染力。I couldn't think of a good comeback.我想不出什么巧妙的回答。Some clever camera work gave the illusion that she was standing next to him.一些巧妙的摄影效果使人产生一种她站在他身旁的错觉。Despite some artful editing, the anthology is a weak one.除了编辑上的一些巧妙之处,这本选集乏善可陈。The brand name has become well known in Britain through clever advertising.该商标名经过巧妙的广告宣传在英国已变得家喻户晓。The cleverly written script is full of twists and turns.这部构思巧妙的剧本充满波折。We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair.我们用一张摆放得很巧妙的椅子将它隐藏了起来。This ingenious plan can't miss.这项巧妙的计划不可能失败。Much of the comedy in Pratchett's books comes from the clever way he plays around with words and ideas.普莱切特的著作中大部分喜剧成分来自他巧妙机智的用词和构思。It was a brilliantly simple solution to this long-running problem.这是一个能够解决这一长久以来悬而未决的问题的简单而又巧妙的方法。The decor has a cool sophistication.装潢巧妙而精细。The little girl nipped in with a smart question.小女孩插话提了一个巧妙的问题。You acted with great courage and skill.你行事既大胆又巧妙Her methods of seduction are subtle.她勾引人的手段很巧妙The press conference was cleverly stage-managed.记者招待会安排得很巧妙The brochure is beautifully laid out and illustrated.这本小册子编排巧妙,插图精美。Their solution was much more elegant than mine.他们的解决办法比我的要巧妙许多。His sermons were full of puns and conceits.他的布道用了大量的双关语和巧妙的比喻。Gautier's solution to the puzzle is ingenious.戈蒂埃破解这道难题的方法很巧妙Interviewers attempted with baited questions to worm out his intentions.面试人员试图用巧妙的问题转弯抹角地探出他的意图。His skilful / skillful diplomacy has secured new European allies.巧妙的外交手段拿下了新的欧洲盟友。She handled the discussion with dexterity.对这一讨论她处理得很巧妙It had been such a neat, clever plan.这个方案真是太巧妙、太高明了。




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