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词汇 constitutional
例句 The opposition parties effectively have a veto on constitutional reform.各反对党派实际上对宪法改革拥有否决权。Their right of free choice is of tremendous constitutional importance.他们自由选择的权利具有极其重要的宪法意义。This does not justify the denial of constitutional protection.这不能成为剥夺他人受宪法保护权利的正当理由。Whatever procedure we follow, it must be constitutional.我们无论遵循哪种程序,都必须符合规章。Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。He has championed constitutional reform for many years.他支持宪法改革好多年了。He believed there was a constitutional difference in people's sex drives.他认为人们的性欲存在固有的差异。Political leaders are making no progress in their efforts to resolve the country's constitutional crisis.政治领袖们在解决国家宪法危机方面没有取得任何进展。The group also wants a constitutional assembly to be formed.这一团体也希望成立立宪议会。They continue their groping towards a constitutional settlement.他们继续寻求合乎宪法规定的解决方案。In a constitutional reorganization, he has since become the nation's first president to have full executive power.在宪法重新制定之后,他便成了该国第一个拥有行政全权的总统。The Supreme Court, with two justices dissenting, ruled that the law was constitutional.尽管有两名法官反对,但最高法院仍裁定这一法律合乎宪法规定。Important questions of constitutional law were involved.其中涉及到有关宪法的一些重大问题。There are severe constitutional limits on the President's power.宪法对总统权力有严格限制。Britain is a constitutional monarchy.英国是一个实行君主立宪制的国家。We have a constitutional right to defend ourselves, our family, and our property.我们享有宪法规定的权利保护自己、家人及自己的财产。The President is to put forward new proposals for resolving the country's constitutional crisis.总统将提出解决国家宪法危机的新议案。The court will rule on whether the prisoner's constitutional rights were violated.法院将对这名囚犯的宪法权利是否遭到侵犯作出裁决。Nobody seemed to know whether the President's action was constitutional or not.好像没有人知道总统的行为是否符合宪法规定。The law was rejected on the grounds that it was not constitutional. = The law was rejected on constitutional grounds.这项法律未获通过的原因是不符合宪法。She is in favor of a constitutional amendment to overturn the unpopular law.她赞成通过一项宪法修正案,废除那条不得人心的法律。The ruling party intends to push through its ideas on constitutional reform.执政党想要推进其关于宪法改革的构想。The move was extra-constitutional.此举超出了宪法的规定范围。That kind of punishment is not constitutional. 那种处罚是违宪的。Britain has a constitutional form of government.英国是立宪制政府。He has a constitutional dislike of controversy.他生性不喜欢争论。The country gives a constitutional guarantee of the rights of minorities.国家对少数族裔的权利提供宪法保障。The Supreme Court ruled his decision constitutional.最高法院判定他的决定符合宪法。Over the next few years he distinguished himself as a leading constitutional scholar.在接下来的几年里,他作为一名宪法研究领域最杰出的学者而声名远扬。The civil-rights statutes protect people from wilful deprivation of constitutional rights.公民权利法令保障了人们的宪法权利不会被任意剥夺。The defeat of the army was followed by the establishment of constitutional government.军队战败后建立起了立宪政体。A constitutional amendment precludes any president from serving more than two terms.一项宪法修正案使得任何总统的任职不得超过两届。We have a constitutional right to demonstrate.我们拥有宪法赋予的游行示威权利。He argues that Congress trampled the constitutional rights of legal immigrants in the new welfare reform law.他认为,国会在新的福利改革法中侵犯了合法移民享有的宪法所赋予的权利。A constitutional convention was elected to try to agree on a new form of government.选举产生了制宪会议,以努力就新的政体达成一致。Such a policy would not be constitutional.这样的政策是不符合宪法的。The country desperately needs broad political and constitutional reform.这个国家急需进行广泛的政治和宪法改革。She's gone out for her morning constitutional.她去晨练散步了。There is a growing movement to divest the monarchy of its remaining constitutional power.要求取消王室现存宪法权力的运动愈演愈烈。The country has seen a progressive erosion of constitutional freedoms.该国宪法规定的自由不断被剥夺。




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