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词汇 牧师
例句 He has an interest in theology and pastoral work.他对神学和牧师工作感兴趣。Church officials asked the minister/priest to recant.教会官员们要求那位牧师公开放弃以往的信仰。The priest was killed, the townspeople say, by the army.牧师被杀了,镇上的人说是被当兵的杀的。He preferred to pursue the simple life of a lowly priest.他希望能过上一名下级牧师的简朴生活。The Pope may consult certain sections of the clergy, but he alone decides.教皇可能会咨询一些牧师的意见,但由他独自作决定。Reverend Timms preached a powerful sermon on forgiveness.蒂姆斯牧师就宽恕问题作了一场很有感染力的布道。The minister visited all the members of his congregation.牧师访问了他教区的全体教徒。He was in his thirties when he decided to enter the church.他三十来岁时决定成为基督教牧师The priests are subordinate to the bishops.牧师服从于主教。The priest will perform the ritual.牧师将主持这个仪式。I heard a very good sermon — from a Reverend from Pittsburgh.我听到一次精彩的布道,是匹兹堡一位牧师讲的。The local vicar has agreed to marry us in the chapel.当地牧师已经同意在小教堂为我们主持婚礼。He once defended a priest accused of drunk driving.他曾经为一个因酒后驾车受到指控的牧师辩护。The priest stood before the couple and gave the benediction at the end of the marriage ceremony.牧师于婚礼结束时站在新婚夫妇面前,为他们祈求上帝赐福。The priest was a man of deep sincerity.那位牧师是个十分真诚的人。Two men claiming to be police officers called at the pastor's house and took him away.两个自称是警察的人来到牧师家里,把他带走了。While priests were denied the right to marry and procreate, he said, their situation would remain impossible.他说,只要牧师们仍被剥夺结婚生子的权利,他们的处境仍将进退两难。Few things distracted the Pastor from the preparation of his weekly sermons.几乎没有什么事情能使牧师在准备每周的布道时分神。And he drivels about the minister's language being unhelpful.接着他胡言乱语,说牧师的话毫无帮助。He cannot celebrate Mass in public, wear clerical garb or call himself a priest.他不能公开庆祝弥撒,不能穿神职人员的服装,也不能自称为牧师The preacher's sermon was full of fire and brimstone.那位牧师的布道词里满是死后下地狱受永恒煎熬的言辞。The priest fidgeted nervously with his black rosary beads.牧师紧张地拨弄着他的黑色念珠。Stavros was training to be a priest.斯塔夫罗斯正受训成为一名牧师If you doubt, you should seek counsel from your clergyman.感到困惑时,应该向你的牧师寻求帮助。The preacher told us that we would be forgiven if we repented our sins.牧师告诉我们,如果我们忏悔自己的罪孽,就会得到宽恕。The priest fumbled in the folds of his gown.牧师胡乱整了整长袍上的褶皱。Clergy and laity alike are divided in their views.牧师和平信徒一样都有观点分歧。The priest had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel.那位牧师因宣讲福音被关押。Blessed oil is often used in the ministry of healing.圣油常为牧师给人治病用。I was brought up in the manse, as my father was the Presbyterian minister.我在一处牧师宅院中长大,因为我父亲是长老会牧师The Lord called him to the ministry.上帝召唤他当了牧师After the priest exorcised the spirit/house/child, apparently, the strange noises stopped.听说在牧师驱除了邪魔/驱除了房子里的妖气/给孩子驱魔后,奇怪的噪音就没有了。The priest stood at the baptismal font.牧师站立在洗礼池旁边。Reverend Peters was nominated for the honour by colleagues at Walworth Methodist Church.彼得斯牧师获沃尔沃思循道宗教会同仁提名角逐这一称号。He acted both as the ship's surgeon and as chaplain for the men.他在船上为水手们兼作外科医生和牧师He was mistaken for the minister.人们错把他当作牧师了。The Indians think of him as a holy man, a combination of doctor and priest.印度人认为他是一个虔诚的人,既是医生又是牧师His ministry is among the city's immigrants.他作为牧师,负责该市外来移民的工作。The priest pronounced a blessing on their home.牧师为他们家人祈福。The priest was a mild-mannered inoffensive fellow.这位牧师是个温文尔雅、不讨人嫌的人。




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