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词汇 牛群
例句 Cattle sometimes stampede in a thunderstorm.牛群有时遇到雷暴雨会惊跑。Cattle move freely across the grassy plain.牛群自由自在地走过草原。The cattle are kept in a large circular enclosure.牛群被关在圆形大围栏内。The vet inspected the herd for ticks.兽医检查牛群身上有无扁虱。Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes.乡间强盗正在学习早期西部人的做法,先让牛群受惊四处乱窜以转移农民的注意力,然后再洗劫他们的房屋。The cattle are well fenced out.牛群被妥善地隔在栅栏之外。The cattle were penned up for the night.牛群被关进牛棚过夜。The authorities imposed strict controls on the movement of cattle.当局对牛群的运送实行了严格的管理措施。Groups of cattle were grazing on the rich grass.牛群在肥美的青草地上吃草。Cowboys drove the herds across the prairie.牛仔们赶着牛群穿过大草原。The cattleman drove the beeves into the corral.牧人把牛群赶进畜栏。The herd of cows were scattered over the field.牛群散布在田野上。The cattle were penned.牛群被关起来。A loud clap of thunder made the herd stampede.一声响雷使牛群受惊狂奔起来。He would fatten cattle for slaughter.他会喂肥牛群以供宰杀。The cattle stampeded.牛群受惊狂奔。The cattle are kept in a large enclosure surrounded by a circular fence.牛群被围在用篱笆圈成的大片围场里。We grazed our cattle on the front pasture.我们在前边的草场上放牧牛群The cattle are allowed to wander freely.牛群可以自由地四处走动。Fields grazed by cattle.牛群在牧场吃草。Herds of cattle roamed at will over the plain.牛群在平原上自由自在地走动。The cattle are being fattened for slaughter.喂肥牛群以宰杀。The cattle puddled the soft ground with their hooves.牛群扬蹄,把松软的地面踩得坑坑洼洼。He knew that the area's rich plant life had been severely depleted by the huge herds of cows grazing the land.他知道,该地区品种繁多的植物被大批放牧在土地里的牛群吃掉了许多。The gunshot stampeded the cattle.枪声使牛群受惊狂奔。We sat on the fence rail and watched the cows.我们坐在栅栏上看着牛群




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