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词汇 煽动
例句 She incited racial hatred by distributing anti-Semitic leaflets.她散发反犹太传单煽动种族仇恨。Government officials charged him with sedition.政府官员指控他煽动人们造反。Police discovered racist literature in his home.警察在他家里发现了煽动种族主义的印刷品。He was charged with the authorship of the mutiny.他被指控煽动这次叛变。British law forbids incitement to murder.英国法律禁止煽动杀人。His party had encouraged nationalist sentiment.他所属的政党煽动民族主义情绪。He incited his fellow citizens to take their revenge.煽动他的同胞们报仇雪恨。He declared war on the government and urged right-wingers to eliminate their opponents.他向政府宣战,并煽动右翼分子干掉他们的对手。There are other less creditable reasons for whipping up war hysteria.还有其他一些不那么光彩的理由来煽动战争狂热。She stirred up the fire/crowd.她把火煽得更旺/群众煽动起来。They were blamed for inciting hatred against religious minorities.他们被指责煽动对宗教少数派的仇恨。Tribal leaders are accused of inciting their followers to attack rival tribes.部落酋长被指责煽动部下攻击对立的部落。Everyone at school used to hype each other up about men all the time.过去在学校大家经常相互煽动彼此对男人的兴趣。They said the song blatantly encouraged the killing of policemen.他们说这首歌明目张胆地煽动杀害警察。The next speaker whipped the crowd up into a frenzy.下一个演讲者把人们煽动得疯狂起来。The riot broke out at the instigation of a certain politician.这场暴乱是在某一政客的煽动下爆发的。They pleaded guilty to possessing material likely to incite racial hatred.他们表示认罪,承认拥有可能煽动民族仇恨的材料。He was trying to whip up some enthusiasm for the project.他正在试图煽动人们对这个项目的狂热。He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us.他在我们中间煽动了几次内乱。He is accused of stirring up racial hatred.他被指控煽动种族仇恨。They instigated a kickup about the new rules.他们煽动闹事反对新规章。As far as I'm concerned the officials incited the fight.在我看来,是官员们煽动了这场争斗。He was sentenced to two years in prison for inciting racial hatred.他因煽动种族仇恨被判入狱两年。They were stirred up to rebellion.他们受到煽动,起来叛乱。She was charged with inciting the crowd to violence.她被控煽动人群暴乱。He incited the students to riot.煽动学生闹事。Her speech stirred the emotions of the rabble.她的演讲煽动起了下等人的情绪。The clubs were suspected of being centres of sedition.俱乐部被怀疑是搞煽动活动的中心。Rylan has been accused of whipping crowds up into frenzies of violent hatred.赖兰被控煽动人群强烈的仇恨情绪。He kept goading me to fight.他不断煽动我去打架。He attacked those who sowed dismay and division.他抨击那些散布悲观情绪和煽动分裂的人。They were charged with the possession of articles for the preparation, instigation, and commission of terrorism acts.他们被指控持有用于准备、煽动及实施恐怖主义行为的物品。Trade Union leaders were charged with sedition.工会领导人被控犯有煽动反政府罪。Attempts to stir up nationalistic feeling at such times are bound to be self-defeating.在这种时候企图煽动民族主义情绪肯定会弄巧成拙。We are not exciting rebellion.我们不是在煽动造反。The defendants were convicted of wilfully promoting racial hatred.这些被告被判犯有蓄意煽动种族仇恨的罪行。He's been accused of stoking up racial hatred in the region.他被控在这一地区煽动种族仇恨。Critics say the mayor is a bigot who is inflaming racial tensions in his city.批评家称该市长是个偏执狂,在煽动市内的种族矛盾。He still faces charges of incitement.他仍然面临煽动作乱的指控。He used a perverted form of socialism to incite racial hatred.他利用一种被歪曲的社会主义学说来煽动种族仇恨。




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