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词汇 照得
例句 The fire was still blazing, lighting up the sky.大火还在熊熊燃烧,照得天空通亮。The headlights shone on empty streets as we drove through the town.我们开车驶经小镇时,车前灯把空旷的街道照得明晃晃的。I look hideous in that picture!我那张照片照得很丑。The torch shed a bright light on the path ahead.手电筒把前面的小路照得通明。The sun sparkled the lake.太阳照得湖面闪闪发光。The dazzling spotlights made me blink.耀眼的聚光灯照得我直眨眼。The sun glared down, dazzling them.阳光强烈,照得他们头晕目眩。He was dazzled by the lights of oncoming traffic.他被迎面来的车灯照得睁不开眼睛。Moonlight silvered the pond.月光把池塘照得一片银白。The mosque is lit up by floodlights at night.夜里清真寺被泛光灯照得通亮。At night the baseball field is spotlighted.夜里棒球场被聚光灯照得通明。I was sweating under the spotlights.聚光灯照得我出汗了。The late afternoon sunlight gave the room a celestial glow.夕阳的余晖照得房间熠熠生辉。Stepping into the garden, she was instantly affronted by the brightness of the morning.一走进花园,她顿时被早晨明亮的阳光照得睁不开眼。The sun gleamed on naked swords.阳光把出鞘的剑照得闪闪发亮。He's in the picture, but his face hasn't come out very clearly.照片上有他,但他的脸照得不是很清楚。She caught a clear view upwards of the spotlit temple.她抬头清楚地看到了被聚光灯照得通明的寺庙。The sky glows red with fire.天空被大火照得通红。The floodlight had blinded him and he couldn't see to reload his gun.泛光灯照得他眼睛发花,使他不能给枪装子弹。I was blinded by the sun as I came around the corner.走过拐角时,我被阳光照得眼睛昏花。The children's faces are out of focus in the photograph.照片中孩子们的脸照得很模糊。If you are dazzled by oncoming traffic, slow down and look for a place to stop.如果你被迎面开来的汽车照得眼睛发花,就减速找个地方停下来。A downstairs window was brilliantly illuminated by a streetlamp.楼下的窗户被路灯照得很亮。Every shop window is ablaze with bright Christmas lights.家家商店的橱窗里都被圣诞节的灯饰照得通明透亮。All of a sudden the stage was flooded with brilliant light.突然间,舞台被照得雪亮。For a moment she was blinded by the harsh glare of the sun.她一时被刺眼的阳光照得眼睛昏花。The path was lit by blazing torches.小路被熊熊燃烧的火把照得通亮。During the festival the castle was floodlit every night.节日期间,城堡每夜都被泛光灯照得通明。The light from the fire cast a lurid glow on everything.火焰的光芒把周围的东西都照得亮堂堂的。The strong sunlight blinded him.强烈的阳光照得他看不见东西。The sun warmed his face.太阳照得他的脸暖暖的。It was a nice picture—the family was in focus and everyone was smiling.这张照片不错,全家人都照得很清楚,而且每个人都在微笑。The hot sun had glossed the surface of the snow.暖烘烘的太阳照得雪地闪闪发光。He emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.他走出隧道,阳光照得他睁不开眼。The room was poorly illuminated by one candle.孤单单一支蜡烛把屋子照得半明不暗的。The lightning lifted the whole scene into stark relief.闪电把整个景象照得轮廓极为分明。It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly.天黑了,一轮巨大的月亮把道路照得通明,周围的景物可以看得一清二楚。Sunshine teases violets into flowering.阳光照得紫罗兰花儿怒放。The sun shining off the pool dazzled me.游泳池反射的阳光照得我头晕目眩。We were blinded by the sun's rays.阳光照得我们什么也看不见。




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