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词汇 照亮了
例句 One large lamp lighted the entire room.一盏大灯照亮了整个房间。The room was lit by only the one light.唯一的一盏灯照亮了房间。A sudden glare of headlights lit the driveway.突然一辆汽车的大灯照亮了车道。The fire glowed, gilding her face.火光融融,照亮了她的脸。Candles illuminate the church.烛光照亮了教堂。The late afternoon sun brightened the interior of the church.傍晚的太阳照亮了教堂内部。There was an explosion and the whole sky lit up.一声爆炸,整片天空都照亮了The fireplace flamed the opposite wall.炉火照亮了对面的墙壁。The fire was still blazing, lighting up the sky.大火依然在熊熊燃烧,照亮了天空。The paintings in the alcove were spotlit from below.聚光灯从下方照亮了壁龛里的画。The streets were illuminated with strings of coloured lights.街道被一串串彩灯照亮了Fireworks lit up the night sky.烟花照亮了夜空。The shooting-range is lit from underneath by rows of ruby-red light fittings.射击场被一排排深红色的灯光设备从下面照亮了The bright hall light picks out every blond hair, every hollow and fold.明亮的厅灯照亮了每一缕金发和每一处凹陷与褶皱。Fireworks lit up the sky.烟花照亮了天空。A pale reddish glow lit the sky.略带红色的淡淡光辉照亮了天空。Neon slogans light up the city by night.到了晚上,霓虹灯广告照亮了整座城市。Matches flared, momentarily highlighting the faces.火柴着了,发出的光把众人的面孔照亮了片刻。A lamp lightened the gloomy room.一盏灯照亮了阴暗的房间。They sat on the beach under the stars, their faces lit by torchlight.他们坐在星空下的海滩上,火炬的光芒照亮了他们的脸庞。Flares lit up the night sky.照明弹照亮了夜空。Fireworks were lighting up the night sky.烟火照亮了夜空。The sun lights up the sky and the earth.太阳照亮了天空和大地。A seemingly endless supply of fireworks lit up the clear night sky.一连串似乎无穷尽的烟火照亮了清朗的夜空。As the evening deepened, his hospitality rayed out more widely.夜色渐深,他殷勤待客之道照亮了更多来宾的心。Her smile lights up the room. 她的微笑照亮了房间。A stunning display of fireworks lit up the sky.美轮美奂的焰火表演照亮了夜空。




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