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词汇 实用
例句 The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service.该旅游咨询处提供实用的住宿查询服务。As a useful garment the polonaise has no compeer.实用衣服而言,连衫裙是无可媲美的了。From a strictly practical perspective, this is the best way of doing things.从完全实用的角度看,这是最好的行事方式。I need a practical hair style that's easy to care for.我需要一个容易打理的实用发型。She has lots of interesting ideas, but they're not very practical.她有很多有意思的想法,但都不太实用The chairs were comfortable, functional and free of ornamentation.这些椅子舒适实用,而且看上去不显花哨。He wanted his kitchen to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.他想把他的厨房弄得既实用又美观。The workshop is quite big but there's not much floorspace.车间很大,但实用面积不多。She's highly intelligent and intellectual, but she's got no practical common sense.她非常聪明,也很有学识,但是缺少实用的常识。The company specializes in making practical footwear for the leisure sports market.这家公司专门为休闲运动市场生产实用的鞋类。The Unipot does the work of several saucepans, and is very economical.多功能锅集好几种锅的功能于一身,非常经济实用The design isn't particularly aesthetic, but at least it's practical.这个设计视觉效果并不是特别好,但至少实用He knows only a few words of practical, peremptory English.他只懂几句实用应急的英语。The decor is functional.装潢风格追求实用The decoration and furnishings had to be practical enough for a family home.房子的装潢和家具都必须很实用,适合家居生活。He has cars and trucks, and even though the former are easier to drive, the latter are more useful.他有轿车和卡车,虽然前者比较好开,可后者更实用The shoes are nice, but they're not very practical.鞋子不错,但不太实用This nifty little machine can do just about anything.这个实用的小机器差不多是万能的。The lighting in the room is functional as well as decorative.房间里的灯具既有装饰性又很实用Environmental rules are developed using good information and sound judgment.利用实用的资料以及良好的判断力制订出了环境保护规定。There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees.种树既实用又美观,可谓举两得。The handles are decorative and practical.这些手柄既有装饰效果又实用A good rule of thumb is that a portion of rice is two handfuls.有个方便实用的估算方法,即两把生米便是够一人吃的量。You'll need no-nonsense boots for the jungle.你需要一双实用的靴子穿越丛林。Add a touch of style with these functional yet funky wall lights.用这些实用而且时髦的壁灯来增添些许时尚的色彩。The hinged seat lifts up to reveal a useful storage space.把用铰链连接的座位抬起来后,就会发现下面有一个实用的储物空间。The Student Cook Book provides basic helpful advice without sounding patronising.《学生食谱》提供了基本的实用建议,没有显得高不可攀的样子。Kitchen utensils should be attractive as well as functional .厨房用具应该既美观又实用The book suggests some practical ways to save money.本书介绍了一些实用的省钱方法。The office was large and functional; efficiency was the keyword.这个办公室又大又实用;实效性是其主要特色。The designers are planning a tailored office.设计师们正在规划一间简单又实用的办公室。Equipment is housed in a practical, take-apart cabinet.设备装在一只实用的可拆装的柜子里。The decor is functional.装潢很实用The Shakers believed that furniture should be plain, simple, useful, practical, and of sound construction.震颤派教徒认为家具应当朴素、简洁、有用、实用,并且结构结实。The shop sells all kinds of nifty doodads.商店卖各种小巧实用的小玩意。They offer practical suggestions for healthy eating.他们提供有关健康饮食的实用建议。The people in the rural areas use mud bricks only as an immediate, practical necessity.农村人只是把泥砖作为一种便捷实用的必需品。We need to find ways of dealing creatively and usefully with our feelings.我们需要找到一些既有创意又实用的方法来调整我们的情绪。What a silly little purse. It looks too small to hold everything that I'd need to carry.这个小手提包简直不实用。它太小了以至于我需要带的东西都装不下。He lacked any of the practical common sense essential in management.管理方面基本的实用常识他一点也不懂。




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