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词汇 烟囱
例句 Smoke was curling out of kitchen chimneys.厨房烟囱里升起了袅袅炊烟。Smoke was curling up from the chimney.烟从烟囱里缭绕而上。The chimneys were throwing out huge plumes of black smoke.烟囱在喷吐大股大股的黑烟。Four masts and a funnel loomed indistinctly away out on the waters.四根桅杆和一根烟囱在远处的水面上若隐若现。Smoke poured out from the chimney.烟从烟囱里冒出来。Factory chimneys showered soot on the district.工厂的烟囱把大量煤灰倾吐在这一地区。The size of the chimney will affect the draught in the furnace.烟囱的大小将影响炉子的抽力。The air was black from smoking chimneys.烟囱冒着烟,空气都变黑了。A stone chimney was the only thing left standing.唯一留存下来的是一根石烟囱A chimney breaks up the line of the level roof.一个烟囱打破了这个屋顶平齐的轮廓。Chimneys were disgorging smoke into the air.烟囱正往空中喷吐烟雾。I roped myself to the chimney.我用绳子把自己系在烟囱上。The inside of a chimney soon gets covered in soot.烟囱里面很快就会被煤烟覆盖。White smoke coiled from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel.白烟从西斯廷教堂的烟囱里袅袅升起。A chimney conveys smoke to the outside.烟囱将烟排送至室外。Smoke funneled up the chimney.烟从烟囱里冒出来。Smoke rose out of the crooked chimney.烟从弯曲的烟囱里向上升。The chimney emitted thick smoke into the air.烟囱向空中散发出浓烟。The chimney is out of plumb. = The chimney is off plumb. 那个烟囱向一边歪斜了。Make sure you have your fireplace and chimney regularly cleaned.定期清扫壁炉和烟囱In the distance, he could see the tall chimneys of the factory.在远处他看得见那家工厂的高耸的烟囱Steam puffed out of the chimney.蒸汽从烟囱里一股一股地喷出来。A column of smoke rose from the chimney.烟囱里冒出了一柱烟。He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires.他可以看到肮脏的屋顶、工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶。He cleans the chimney by sending up a big brush.他用一把大刷子往上捅烟囱Heat from the chimneys is pumped back in to supplement the heating system.烟囱的热能被回吸进供热设备以增强其热力。A chimney could be seen smoking in the distance.看得见远处的烟囱在冒烟。Part of the chimney broke off and fell to the ground.部分烟囱裂开并倒在地上。The stacks cough out dense billows of steam.烟囱喷出滚滚浓密蒸汽。Smoke was curling up the chimney.烟从烟囱里袅袅升起。A whisper of smoke was rising from the chimney.烟囱里升起一缕轻烟。A log fell, sending a shower of sparks up the chimney.一块木头落下来,溅起的一阵火花冲进了烟囱The chimneys gave off thick, black smoke.烟囱里冒出浓浓黑烟。We could see several smoking stacks in the distance.我们可以看到远处好几个冒著烟的烟囱The outlines of rooftops and chimneys stood out against the pale sky.屋顶和烟囱的轮廓在灰暗的天空下显得很醒目。The chimneys vomited volumes of smoke.烟囱喷出滚滚浓烟。Smoke gusted up from chimneys to merge with cloud.一阵阵烟从烟囱中喷出来与云雾融成一体。Curls of smoke were rising from the chimney.缕缕青烟从烟囱中升起。A plume of smoke rose from the chimney.一缕青烟从烟囱中升起。The stack will remain as a monument to industrial heritage.这个烟囱将作为工业遗产的纪念物而存在。




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