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词汇 惊讶
例句 It wouldn't surprise me if there was such chaos after this election that another had to be held.如果你告诉我这次大选后局面会出现混乱,以致不得不重新举行选举,我一点也不会惊讶Jackson gaped in astonishment at what he saw.杰克逊惊讶地凝视着他所看到的景象。He has surprised us before with his inventiveness.以前他的发明才能曾令我们惊讶If you stop making excuses and do it you'll wonder what took you so long.如果你不再找理由而是干些实事,你就会惊讶自己怎么浪费了这么多时间。A plainclothes police officer escorted the surprised Frenchman out of the building.一位便衣警察护送那位惊讶的法国人走出大楼。She gazed up at him, blinking once or twice, apparently surprised at his cleverness.她抬头注视着他,偶尔才眨一下眼睛,显然对他的聪明才智颇为惊讶His look of astonishment was assumed.他那惊讶的样子是假装的。She blinked at him, astonished.惊讶地朝他眨了眨眼。She was surprised that he had no words of blame or accusation for her.使她惊讶的是,他竟然没有对她说任何怪罪或指责的话。A look of astonishment crossed his face.他脸上闪过惊讶的神情。A surprised expression appeared on her face.她的脸上露出惊讶的表情。You should have seen the look of astonishment on his face!你真该看看他脸上那惊讶的表情!She was phoning from Australia, but I was amazed at the clarity of her voice.她是从澳大利亚打来的电话,可是声音那么清晰,让我觉得惊讶You'll be amazed at how easy it can be.你会惊讶事情怎么会如此简单。When he was told I was expecting twins, Harry didn't even blink.当哈里得知我要生双胞胎时,他一点也不惊讶I enjoyed seeing the amazement on people's faces.我喜欢看到人们脸上惊讶的神情。She smiled to herself, picturing how surprised her mother would be to see her.一想到母亲见到她时会有多惊讶,她就暗自笑起来。I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge.他知识之渊博使我惊讶I cannot forbear expressing my surprise.我禁不住表示出惊讶And here’s the real kicker - if you buy one you get the second one free.这里是真正让人惊讶的:买一送一。There was no mistaking the surprise on his face when I told him the news.当我告诉他那条消息时,他脸上清清楚楚地露出惊讶的神情。They stopped in their tracks and stared at him in amazement…他们突然停下,惊讶地盯着他。His dark eyebrows lifted in surprise.惊讶地扬起浓黑的眉毛。It just blows me away, the way everyone's so friendly round here.我真是惊讶极了,这里人人都是这么友好。My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.我最初的惊讶很快变成了兴奋。He whistled, surprised but not shocked.他吹了声口哨,很是惊讶但没有被吓住。She simply could not hide her astonishment.她实在无法掩饰她的惊讶We climbed out of the hole right in front of two astounded policemen.我们从洞里爬出来,迎面就是两名警察,他们满脸惊讶No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying.似乎没有人对离异公主的再婚感到丝毫惊讶I offered to help, but darned if she didn't do the whole thing herself. 我提出帮忙,但让我惊讶的是她居然自己完成了一切。Your letter amazed me.你的信令我惊讶To his surprise he didn't feel too weak. Light-headed certainly, and with a sense of unreality, but able to walk.令他惊讶的是他并没有感到很虚弱。虽然的确感到头晕,并有点儿虚飘飘的感觉,但他还是能走的。Much to my surprise, the waitress at the bar tantalizingly asked me for a date.让我惊讶的是,酒吧的女侍居然很诱人地想要与我约会。In my lifetime I've experienced enough whammies. So, nothing surprises me anymore.在我的一生中,我已经经历了足够的晦气。所以,发生任何事情都不会让我惊讶He amazed us by his knowledge of Welsh history.他对威尔士的历史知之甚多,让我们惊讶To everyone's surprise, the part of Claudius had been recast.令所有人惊讶的是剧中角色僭主克劳迪斯换演员了。She had cast up her eyes in astonishment.惊讶地抬起目光。That's when I found out, to my amazement, that she was coming here.令我惊讶的是,那时候我得知她正要到这里来。I was amazed when my doctor told me I was going to have triplets.当我从医生那儿得知自己要生三胞胎时,我惊讶万分。Do not be surprised if, initially, she directs her anger at you.如果一上来她就冲你发火,不必惊讶




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