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词汇 惊险小说
例句 They discovered a mutual love of mysteries and thrillers.他们俩发现双方都爱好侦探小说和惊险小说He is at an absorbing thriller and can't be disturbed.他正在阅读一部引人入胜的惊险小说,什么也惊动不了他。The story is framed in a format that is part thriller, part love story.情节的展开模式既像惊险小说,又像爱情故事。He has written a spy thriller that recalls Fleming's James Bond series.他写的间谍惊险小说让人联想起弗莱明的詹姆斯·邦德系列小说。Her reckless, desperate story makes a gripping thriller.她笔下不顾一切、铤而走险的故事成为一部扣人心弦的惊险小说He had prostituted his talent as a writer, churning out cheap thrillers.他糟蹋了自己的写作天赋,炮制了很多粗俗的惊险小说The book is a taut thriller.这是本扣人心弦的惊险小说The thriller opens with a murder.这部惊险小说以谋杀案开始。The final confrontation on a train is classic thriller material.火车上的最后对峙是惊险小说的经典素材。My tastes in novels run to/toward science fiction and thrillers. 在小说方面,我更喜欢阅读科幻小说和惊险小说She whiled away the afternoon reading cheap thrills.她看廉价的惊险小说消磨了一个下午。




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