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词汇 rambling
例句 Arnold would keep us all up with his long, rambling stories.阿诺德总是讲一些东拉西扯的长篇故事,让我们无法睡觉。His rambling writing style just lacks precision.他散漫的写作风格恰恰缺乏精确。Would you like to go rambling?你想去远足吗?He stood in my kitchen drinking beer, rambling on about Lillian.他站在我的厨房里一边喝着啤酒,一边絮絮叨叨地谈论着莉莲。She lived in a rambling Victorian house that had certainly seen better days.她住在一幢布局凌乱的维多利亚时代的房子里,无疑,那房子曾经辉煌一时。It was easy to get lost in the rambling house.在布局凌乱的大宅子里容易迷路。His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue.他的行动伴随着一串冗长含糊的独白。Harris gave rambling, incoherent answers to questions about the case.哈里斯在回答涉及此案的问题时东拉西扯,语无伦次。Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms.维多利亚式房屋屋顶高耸,房间布局凌乱,因此可能会显得较为阴冷。I am sorry for this rambling letter.写了这么一封杂乱无章的信,对不起。Without a teleprompter, his speeches are long and rambling.他演说的时候没有用电子提词机,又长又啰唆。Cameron wrote a rambling letter to his wife.卡梅伦给他的妻子写了一封漫无边际的长信。Then he started rambling and repeating himself.他接下来就开始不着边际、说话来回重复了。My father kept rambling on about the war.我父亲继续唠唠叨叨地讲战争。He was a little drunk and kept rambling on about the good old days.他有些醉了,唠叨起以前的好日子来。He went straight into a rambling monologue on the state of the country.他立刻开始漫无边际地讲述该国的状况。Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded.花朵凋谢后要剪除杂生的玫瑰枝。She enjoys rambling, swimming, and biking.她喜欢远足、游泳和骑自行车。The beautiful views enhance your enjoyment of rambling.美景为漫步增添乐趣。




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