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Ali returned to boxing with a new fire in his belly.阿里胸中重新燃起的如火热情返回了拳坛。The new record is selling/going like hotcakes.那张新唱片正卖得火热。They have a very hot and heavy relationship.他们的性爱十分火热激烈。His movies typically featured torrid romances.他的影片通常以火热的浪漫史为特色。They bought their house at the apex of the property boom.他们在房地产最火热的时候买下了他们的房子。Behind that cold exterior there's a passionate man.这是个外表冰冷内心火热的男人。The insects are stirred into motion by the heat of the sun.火热的太阳使昆虫纷纷开始活动起来。 |