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词汇 碰运气
例句 Sometimes you just have to play your luck and hope that everything turns out okay.有时你只能靠碰运气,希望一切都顺利。There is always an element of chance in buying a used car.买二手车总会有一点儿碰运气的成分。That's the trouble with capitalism. It's a lottery.这是资本主义的问题所在,这是碰运气的事。The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.火车经常晚点,所以准时上班在很大程度上是件碰运气的事。I decided to risk looking for a place to stay when I got there, rather than booking in advance.我决定到那里后碰运气找住处,而不是预订房间。The company has relied on a hit-and-miss approach to developing new products.这家公司依赖一种碰运气的方式开发新产品。They planned for every possibility and left nothing to chance.他们为每一种可能都做好了准备,决不靠碰运气Education in England is something of a lottery.在英格兰接受教育有点儿像碰运气Roulette is a game of chance.轮盘赌是碰运气的游戏。The result depends on mere hazard.结果如何全碰运气When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.找工作的时候,阿德里安喜欢通过上网和写信去碰运气Trying to find the right pension can be a bit of a gamble.想找到合适的膳宿公寓是一件碰运气的事。The results could simply be due to chance.这些结果可能只不过是偶然碰运气得来的。It's a matter of luck whether we are successful.我们是否成功是碰运气的事。The standard of care you get in hospital is a bit of a lottery.你在医院得到什么水准的护理全靠碰运气Taft grumbled that the law so favored the criminal that trials seemed like a game of chance.塔夫脱抱怨法律如此偏袒罪犯,审判看来像是一场碰运气的游戏。We can't control what happens. All we can do at this point is hope for the best and trust to luck.我们控制不了局势的发展。我们此刻所能做的就是怀着最好的希望,然后碰运气吧。I didn't really know the answer. It was just a lucky guess.我真的不知道答案,只是碰运气猜对了。Finding a job there is a lottery.要在那儿找到一份工作全得碰运气He wrote to them on spec and they offered him a job!碰运气地给他们写了封信,而他们竟给了他一份工作!Farming can be very much a hit-and-miss affair.务农可能是件非常碰运气的事。Life's a lottery, isn't it? It all depends on luck.生活就是碰运气,不是吗?一切全凭运气。In the experiment, we leave nothing to chance.做实验时,我们绝不靠碰运气




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