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词汇 火山
例句 We peered over the lip of the crater into the volcano.我们在火山口边缘观察火山The city was entombed in volcanic lava.这座城市被火山熔岩掩埋。Fine ash covered the hill near the volcano.火山附近的山覆盖上了一层细细的火山灰。It's like a volcano ready to erupt.这就像一座即将喷发的火山The volcano has been in a state of dormancy for many years.这座火山多年来一直处于休眠状态。Extinct volcanoes are those that have not erupted in historic times.火山指有史以来没有喷发过的火山No one knows when the social volcano below modern society will erupt.谁也不知道埋在现代社会下的社会火山何时爆发。The volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.火山熔岩冷却后变成固体。The local people were warned that the volcano might erupt at any time.当地人得到警告,火山会随时爆发。Most volcanoes on this island are still active but a few are inactive.这座岛上的大多数火山仍然是活火山,少数是休眠火山Molten volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.火山熔岩冷却后变成固体。Lava from the volcano was sent high into the air.火山的熔岩高高地喷射到空中。The volcanic upshoot of fire lasted but a second or two.火山向上喷发只持续了一两秒钟。The volcano is still active, as evidenced by the recent eruption.最近的喷发证明,这座火山依然活跃。It is probable that the volcano will erupt again.火山很可能再次爆发。Its tallest volcano, long extinct, is Olympus Mons.它最高的火山是早已熄灭的奥林波斯山。The volcano is due to erupt any day.火山任何一天都可能爆发。The volcano is extinct.这座火山是座死火山Scientists say Mount Pinatubo could erupt again soon.科学家表示皮纳图博火山近期可能会再次爆发。The volcano was fuming.火山正在冒烟。As I hiked around the volcano, clouds of steam rose up from the depths of the Earth.我在火山周围远足时,大团大团的蒸汽从地底深处冒出来。Books on Scottish history were mixed up with books on volcanoes.有关苏格兰历史的书籍和有关火山的书籍混在一起了。The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air.火山又向空中喷出了大量岩浆和火山灰。The village was evacuated as lava poured from the volcano.村民们在熔岩从火山上喷涌而出时被疏散。A nearby volcano erupted violently, sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud.附近的一座火山猛烈爆发了,喷出大量熔岩和滚烫的泥流。Smoke and ashes spewed from the volcano.烟尘从火山中喷涌而出。A cloud of ash rose from the volcano.火山上升腾起一个灰团。The volcano was fuming thick black smoke.火山正在冒出浓浓的黑烟。I will be thrown into Etna ere I will leave her.我宁可被扔进埃特纳火山也不愿离开她。That volcano is slumbering.那座火山正处于休眠状态。The long-dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting.休眠了很久的火山最近出现了要喷发的迹象。There's no way of knowing when the volcano will erupt again.根本无法知道这座火山何时再度爆发。It was the biggest eruption of Vesuvius for some years.这是维苏威火山这些年来最大的一次爆发。Sulfur is found abundantly in volcanic regions.硫在火山地区大量存在。The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.这些图片清楚有力地展现了火山的巨大威力。The dark high shape towering on your left is Mount Etna.在你左边高高耸立的那座影影绰绰的黑色山体是埃特纳火山The volcano came to life a week ago.一个星期前,火山开始变得活跃。As the lava flowed down the volcano it solidified, forming strange shapes.岩浆从火山上流下时,凝固成各种各样的奇形怪状。The area is near inactive volcanoes.这个地区靠近处于休眠状态的火山Etna is Europe's most active volcano.埃特纳山是欧洲最活跃的火山




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