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例句 These poets were individualists, wanting to explore their own thoughts and feelings, not content with the general truths.这些诗人都是些具有独立倾向的人,力求发掘自己的思想和感情,不满足于一般性的真理。You should not content yourself with book knowledge only.你不能只满足于书本知识。Most manufacturers content themselves with updating existing models.大多数制造商都满足于对现有款型进行更新。They're content to just muddle along.他们满足于得过且过。They rested on their laurels after their victory.他们获胜后就满足于现状了。Be not content with the commonplace in intellectual attainment.在求知上不要满足于浅尝辄止。I am content to admire the mountains from below.满足于从山脚下观赏山景。We're not content with simply qualifying for the finals.我们不满足于只获得决赛资格。He was unlikely to be satisfied with the illusion of power.他不可能满足于这种虚假的权力。Don't rest on your laurels; follow up your success.不要满足于已有的成就,要争取更大的成功。She's not content to simply follow the pack. 她不满足于只是随大流。The liberals sat on their laurels after their victory.自由党人获胜后满足于现状。Every day the crisis worsens and yet the government seems content to sit on its hands.危机逐日加深,然而政府似乎满足于无所事事。Bowman said he had been perfectly happy in his role as director, before the change in job specifications.鲍曼说,在工作职责有变化之前,他是很满足于当主任的。Although she won the championship, she isn't resting on her laurels. She is training hard to become even better next year.虽然得了冠军,但她不满足于既得荣誉。她正在为明年取得更好的成绩而刻苦训练。He was not content to plough the same furrow as his father.他不满足于对父亲亦步亦趋。Not content with rescuing one theatre, Sally Green has taken on another.萨莉·格林不满足于挽救一家剧院,她又接手了另外一家。He is content with the status quo and does not like change.满足于现状,不想改变。Not content with appearing on our TV screens every day, the couple have decided to expand their chat-show empire.这对夫妇不满足于每天出现在电视屏幕上,于是决定扩展他们的脱口秀帝国。




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