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例句 Parsley is probably the most commonly used of all herbs.欧芹可能是用得最多的一种药草。Robert is commonly called Rob.罗伯特通常唤做罗伯。Chromium and nickel occur commonly in areas which are also rich in magnesium.铬和镍通常存在于镁也很丰富的地区。They commonly complain of not getting enough sleep.他们常常抱怨睡眠不够。Lung cancer is the most commonly found cancer in men.肺癌是男性最常见的癌症。The goals commonly attributed to management are status, power, salary and security.人们普遍认为管理者追求的目标无非是地位、权力、薪酬和安全感。Although the assassins were never caught, it is commonly believed that they were working for the government.虽然一直未能逮捕行刺者,但一般都认为他们是政府的人。The pregnancy test is commonly available in supermarkets and drugstores.验孕试纸在超级市场和药房里普遍有售。The most commonly cited example of a primitive device is the abacus.说到早期的用具,最常举的例子是算盘。Marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.大麻仍然是美国最常见的非法毒品。Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room.还有一些不太常有的设施,包括图书馆和健身房。Obsessional personalities commonly ruminate excessively about death.有强迫症的人通常过多地思考死亡的问题。The map on the opposite page shows where these birds commonly breed.对页上的地图表明这些鸟一般在什么地方交配繁衍。This chapter includes a brief survey of some commonly used drugs.本章对一些常用药品进行了简要综述。The commonly used roads are the targets of heavy fire.通常的道路是炮火猛烈攻击的目标。The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.安全网是日常生活中广为使用的一个形象比喻。Metaphor and simile are the most commonly used figures of speech in everyday language.隐喻和明喻是日常语言中最常用的修辞手法。Computers are now commonly used in language learning.如今,电脑广泛应用于语言学习。Enteroceles most commonly occur where the muscles of the pelvis are weakened after childbirth.肠疝最常出现在产后骨盆肌肉衰弱的地方。We commonly suppose that space and time are continuous.我们通常认为空间和时间是连续的。Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft.潜水艇和载人航天器上一般都有压差隔离室。Older people commonly aspirate saliva when they sleep.年纪大的人通常在睡觉时会吸入唾液。Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.这个年龄的孩童常常讲到被老虎和狮子吃掉以及类似的事情。The golden chanterelle, as it is commonly known, is a favorite among mushroom connoisseurs.一般人所称的鸡油菌是爱吃蘑菇的食家眼中的珍品。The death of a child is commonly seen by members of the tribe as divine punishment.小孩死去通常被该部落的成员认为是神的惩罚。Island communities commonly feel an intimate connection with the sea and with seafarers.生活在岛屿上的居民通常感到与大海和船员有着紧密的联系。Sodium chloride is more commonly known as salt.氯化钠通常都称为盐。The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease.这种疾病更通俗的名称是疯牛病。Breast cancer forms in breast tissue, commonly arising in the ducts or lobules.乳腺癌出现在乳房组织中,通常发生在导管和小叶中。Machinery or coin is commonly thought of as inconsumable.机械或硬币一般被认为是非消费品。Pupils should know how to spell commonly used words.小学生应该知道常用词的拼法。John is commonly called “Mr. not all there.”约翰被大家叫作痴头呆脑先生。Aspirin is commonly used to relieve pain.阿司匹林常被用来缓解疼痛。Trigeminal neuralgia most commonly affects the right side of the face.影响右边脸的三叉神经痛最为常见。It was a commonly held view in those days.在当时,这是个很寻常的看法。Robins mostly appear in the winter and are commonly pictured on Christmas cards.知更鸟在冬季最常见,经常被画在圣诞卡上。A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.大家一致认为,青少年有点叛逆是正常的。The colour red commonly represents danger.红色通常表示危险。Industrial workers commonly suffer hearing loss.产业工人通常会听力受损。Walruses were commonly encountered in the Shetland Islands until recently.以往在设得兰群岛遇到海象是很寻常的事,最近情况有所不同了。




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