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词汇 confrontation
例句 They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.他们将请求他退出冲突。The police acted quickly and managed to head off a violent confrontation.警方立即行动,防止了一场暴力冲突。The situation could slip into a nuclear confrontation.这种局势可能会逐步陷入一场核对抗。The President triggered a confrontation with Congress over the budget issue.总统就预算问题引起了一场与国会的交锋。Tensions are threatening to erupt into full-scale confrontation.紧张局势可能演变成全面的武装冲突。The government were dragged willy-nilly into the confrontation.政府不管情愿不情愿,也被拖进了这场冲突。Their climactic confrontation brings the novel to a dramatic close.他们之间的冲突达到了顶点,小说以此戏剧化地收尾。I was determined to avoid confrontation.我决心避免冲突。This leads to a violent confrontation between father and son.这导致了父子之间的强烈冲突。The final confrontation on a train is classic thriller material.火车上的最后对峙是惊险小说的经典素材。He would prefer not to have a confrontation with the authorities.他不想与当局对抗。The opposition appear to have chosen the path of cooperation rather than confrontation.反对党似乎采取了合作的行动路线,而不是对立。It could have sparked a major confrontation.此事原本可能导致一场严重的冲突。This could pitch the government into confrontation with the workforce.这有可能把政府推向与工人正面交锋的境地。His actions brought him into direct confrontation with the authorities.他的行动造成了他与当局的直接对立。We seek to avoid military confrontation at all costs.我们不惜一切代价力图避免军事冲突。He wants to avoid confrontation with his former colleagues.他希望避免与旧同僚的冲突。He hoped that a physical confrontation would not ensue.他希望不会接着发生肢体冲突。There are signs that the confrontation is beginning to de-escalate.有迹象表明对立已经开始缓和。Recent events have set the scene for a potentially violent confrontation between the demonstrators and the army.近来发生的事情导致示威人群和军队之间存在着引发暴力冲突的危险。Direct confrontation was not his way.正面冲突不是他的风格。Try to avoid confrontation.尽量避免冲突。Some members feared Germany might raise its interest rates on Thursday. That could have set the scene for a confrontation with the US.一些成员国担心德国可能于星期四提高利率,那有可能导致其与美国发生冲突。Politeness is usually more productive than confrontation.彬彬有礼比针锋相对通常更能取得良好效果。Britain is likely to stitch together some sort of political deal to avoid a confrontation.英国很可能会为避免冲突而匆忙达成某种政治交易。The police insist that they didn't start the confrontation.警察坚持说不是他们先挑起的事端。He had ducked the confrontation with United Nations inspectors last summer.去年夏天他避开了与联合国核查人员的对峙。We want to get away from the politics of outdated dogmatism and class confrontation.我们想摒弃过时的教条主义和阶级对抗的政治观点。Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation.该市警察一直在清理一天的暴力冲突后留下的碎石残砖。The confrontation has been bubbling under for nearly a year.对抗暗中持续了近一年。The government backed down at the last minute in a confrontation with the rail workers.在与铁路工人的对抗中,政府在最后时刻作了让步。She finds the continual confrontation very wearing.她发现持续的对峙让人精疲力竭。I'm considering assertiveness training as I have a tendency to avoid confrontation.我有逃避正面冲突的倾向,所以在考虑参加自信心训练。She hoped the seminar would be a vehicle for the confrontation of opinion.她希望讨论会是各种意见比较对照的媒介。Japan seemed unlikely to risk military confrontation with Russia.日本似乎不大可能冒险去和俄罗斯发生军事冲突。By midsummer both police and protesters were girding for confrontation.到了仲夏的时候,警方和抗议者都准备好了要进行对峙。He would be very foolish to risk a confrontation with Robert.他要是冒着与罗伯特对抗的危险,那可就太傻了。It wasn't a serious confrontation - just handbags.这不是严重的冲突,不过是双方作势而已。The confrontation turned ugly.对抗局面进一步激化。We want to get away from the politics of class confrontation.我们想摆脱那种阶级对抗的政治主张。




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