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词汇 安全措施
例句 She was vehement about the need for new safety measures.她情绪激动地指出了制定新的安全措施的必要性。This tragedy has heightened our awareness of the need for improved safety measures.这一悲剧强化了我们改进安全措施的意识。You should raise a rumpus about the lack of safety routines here.这里连常规的安全措施都没有,你应该对此提出抗议。Fans hoping for a glimpse of the couple were kept back by tight security.严密的安全措施使期望一睹这对夫妻风采的粉丝们无法靠近。She spoke with some vehemence about the need for new safety measures.她慷慨陈词,认为有必要制定新的安全措施The house has been made secure against intruders.这房子采取了防止入室盗窃的安全措施Security has been stepped up at the airport.机场加强了安全措施One of the problem areas is lax security.问题之一是安全措施松懈。Will the new security measures bite?新的安全措施会见效吗? The shooting has forced a rethink of government security measures.枪击事件迫使人们对政府的安全措施进行反思。The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off.当局相信那些安全措施已经奏效。Security was tightened amid fears of another terrorist attack.在人们担心会再次发生恐怖袭击的同时,安全措施加强了。Scrimping on safety measures can be a false economy.安全措施上抠手抠脚可能会打错算盘。There was tight security along the processional route.队伍行进的路线上布置了严密的安全措施Our range of tamper-evident envelopes are ideal when extra security is required.在需要额外安全措施时,我们的一系列防窃启信封是您理想的选择。Two weeks after the police relaxed security at the airports, there was a bomb attack.警方放松了对机场采取的安全措施两周后就发生了一起炸弹袭击事件。Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture.有时安全措施过于严密,本来可能会提供重要情况的人成了局外人。They received a written directive instructing them to develop new security measures.他们接到书面指示,要求他们拟定新的安全措施This second door is an extra security measure and can be locked in position during the day.这第二道门是又一项安全措施,白天可以上锁。They tightened up security around the building.他们加强了大楼周围的安全措施Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture.有时安全措施过于严密,使本来可能会提供重要情况的人成了局外人。There have been calls for a new kind of security arrangement.不少人呼吁出台新的安全措施Security around the conference hotel seemed almost casual.举行会议的酒店周围的安全措施似乎不太严格。A general tightening up of security procedures is on.安全措施正在全面强化。Chicken farmers have strengthened biosecurity to prevent contamination from people who have visited live-bird markets.养鸡场农庄主加强了生物安全措施,以防去过活鸟市场的访客身上携带的污染。Strict security measures are in force in the capital.首都采取了严密的安全措施The state fined the company for safety violations.该州因该公司违反安全措施,对其处以罚款。When drawing up a contract it is vital to build in safety measures.草拟合同时,将安全措施包括在内很重要。Security around the city will be beefed up during the event.盛会期间,城市周边的安全措施会得到加强。Security at foreign consulates was tightened after the attack.在那次袭击后,外国领事馆的安全措施加强了。Security on domestic flights in the US has been stepped up considerably.美国国内航班上的安全措施已显著加强。The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft.该报告接着提出了一些改善飞机上的安全措施的建议。New safety measures will be introduced next month.新的安全措施将于下个月实施。Inspectors say health and safety procedures at the factory leave a lot to be desired.稽查员说工厂的卫生和安全措施还有许多需要改进的地方。Security has been heightened over the last several weeks.最近几周加强了安全措施They're offended by the elaborate security measures the police have put in place.他们被警方部署的繁复安全措施惹怒了。States are legislating stricter automobile safety measures for young children.各州正在立法为幼童制定更为严厉的机动车安全措施An effort to improve security was sidetracked by budget problems.加强安全措施的行动因为预算问题而被搁置。The terrorist attack rammed home the need for tighter security.恐怖分子的袭击使人们充分认识到加强安全措施的必要性。Any climber who neglects these simple precautions does so at their peril.攀登者若是忽视这些简单的安全措施,自己承担风险。




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