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Local people feel that the nuclear power station is too close for comfort.当地老百姓觉得核电站离他们太近,让他们没有安全感。Their reports lulled us into a false sense of security.他们的报道诱使我们产生一种虚假的安全感。Don't be lulled into a false sense of security.不要受骗,产生虚假的安全感。Growing up in a close family gave her a sense of security.在一个关系亲密的家庭中长大,她有种安全感。Children count on their parents for love and security.孩子们靠父母给他们爱和安全感。Lulled into a false sense of security, we eagerly awaited their return.我们被一种虚假的安全感所麻痹,急切地等着他们回来。Children need to be given a sense of security.儿童需要得到安全感。Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down.很多人认为是他的腼腆和缺乏安全感拖了他的后腿。She is always assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity.她一直为自我怀疑与缺乏安全感所困扰。His dogmatism belied a deep insecurity.他的武断掩饰了其内心极度的缺乏安全感。The public has been lulled into a false sense of security.公众受到诱导而产生了虚假的安全感。She was lulled into a false sense of security.她被虚假的安全感所迷惑。As I began my speech all my teenage insecurities came flooding back.我开始演讲时,少年时缺乏安全感的一切回忆忽然涌上心头。They are impatient for jobs and security.他们渴望得到工作,获取安全感。The gun gave him a false sense of security. 这把枪带给他一种虚假的安全感。They have the security of a good home.他们拥有幸福家庭所带来的安全感。Beverly is a neurotic, needy New York journalist who lives her life through her son.贝弗利在纽约当记者,性格神经兮兮,缺乏安全感,儿子就是她生活的支撑。Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar.艾伦非常害羞地唱着,用怀里的吉他挡住自己以获得此许安全感。His arrogance is just a front. Deep down he's really insecure.他的傲慢不过是掩饰,内心深处他很没有安全感。This will lull them into a false sense of security.这会使他们产生一种虚假的安全感。Aggression is often a camouflage for insecurity.好斗往往是对缺乏安全感的掩饰。I don't regret stepping out of the security of marriage.我并不后悔放弃了婚姻所带来的安全感。Manufacturing outsourcing challenges the job security of many factory workers.制造业劳务外包威胁到很多工厂工人的职业安全感。He was reluctant to leave the sanctuary of his bedroom.他不愿离开带给他安全感的卧室。The dog gave her a false sense of security. 这只狗给了她一种虚假的安全感。Most children need the security of a stable family life.大多数孩子需要稳定的家庭生活带来的安全感。It must be better to be able to offer them love and security.要是能给予他们关爱和安全感肯定会更好。They share a sense of insecurity about the future.他们对未来都没有安全感。The new security patrols gave residents a feeling of safety. 新的保安巡逻队给居民带来了安全感。It's the people with insecurities who make life difficult.就是那些没有安全感的人让生活变得问题不断。People feel pinched in their pocketbooks and insecure about their futures.人们感到荷包拮据,对未来缺乏安全感。In effect, she is punishing her parents for making her feel threatened and insecure.其实她是在惩罚父母,因为他们让她感觉受到威胁、没有安全感。His brash manner is just a cover-up for his insecurity.他的傲慢举止正是对其缺乏安全感的掩饰。His wide-eyed innocence had lulled me into a false sense of security.他一副天真无邪的样子骗了我,使我产生了一种虚假的安全感。The goals commonly attributed to management are status, power, salary and security.人们普遍认为管理者追求的目标无非是地位、权力、薪酬和安全感。It gave her the security of knowing there was someone she could talk to.知道有人可以听她倾诉,让她有了安全感。The officer on the beat picks up information; hears cries for help; makes people feel safe.值勤警员注意观察情况,对救援呼叫及时反应,确保让百姓有一种安全感。I think that behind Tania's aggression lay a deep insecurity about herself.我觉得塔尼娅的霸道行为背后的原因是她对自己非常缺乏安全感。She felt secure and protected when she was with him.和他在一起时,她有一种受到保护的安全感。Sybil was very insecure and needy.西比尔很没有安全感,很需要别人的关怀。 |