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词汇 游说
例句 Bad salesmanship was responsible for the party's defeat.游说不力是该党失败的原因。The President stumped for Republican candidates.总统为共和党候选人进行游说His family are agitating to get him freed.他的家人在多方游说将他释放。Political activists are campaigning for their release.政治活动家们在为争取他们的获释而奔走游说With the election coming up, both candidates are spending all their time on the campaign trail.随着选举的临近,两位候选人把他们所有的时间都投入到竞选游说中来。They must campaign to repair the ozone shield, halt the greenhouse effect, preserve soils and save the tropical rainforest.他们为了修护臭氧层,遏止温室效应,保护土壤和拯救热带雨林,必须奔走游说He campaigned to bring charges of corruption against former members of the government.为了将前政府成员以贪污腐败的罪名告上法庭,他四处奔走游说It must be terribly frustrating to lobby and get absolutely nowhere.四处游说却一无所获肯定是件令人沮丧的事情。Carers from all over the UK lobbied Parliament last week to demand a better financial deal.英国各地的家庭看护人员上周向议会游说,要求改善经济待遇。They have lobbied to delay implementation of the new tax package.他们已向政府游说推迟实施新税收政策。Head teachers have been lobbying hard against education cuts.校长们一直在为反对削减教育经费而积极游说She has begun lobbying for an interview. 她开始游说试图得到面试的机会。The manufacturers are lobbying to roll back environmental regulations.厂商们正在为撤销环保规定四处游说My roommate cajoled me into lending him money for pizza.我的室友花言巧语地游说我借钱给他买比萨饼。They canvassed voters for the Republicans.他们游说选民投共和党人的票。Senator Smith worked on the other committee members to vote for the bill.参议员史密斯游说其他委员投票赞成这项提案。Lobbyists complain that the bill would impose punitive taxes on the industry.院外游说人士抱怨这个议案将对这个行业强行征收惩罚性税收。He campaigned relentlessly to bring charges of corruption against former members of the government.为了将前政府成员以贪污腐败的罪名送上法庭,他持续不懈地奔走游说After the endorsement of his home state the candidate campaigned in the neighboring states.得到了本州的支持后,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。Mr. Jones was lobbying heads of states.琼斯先生来往于各国首脑之间进行游说We lobbied the members of parliament.我们对国会议员进行了游说The group successfully lobbied for changes in the law.这个团体为修订法律进行了游说并获得成功。They were campaigning to keep the local school open.他们为使当地学校不致关闭而奔走游说Environmental lobby groups successfully opposed the plan.向议员游说的环保团体成功地抵制了这一计划。They were lobbying Congress to reform the tax laws.他们那时正游说国会改革税法。There has been a lot of behind-the-scenes lobbying for more money.为筹集更多资金,已经做了大量的幕后游说工作。The health-care industry has lobbied against the proposal.医疗保健业游说政府别通过那个提案。Groups are lobbying the Transport Minister over the issue.一些集团正在就此事游说交通部长。They lobbied on the environmental protection issue.他们就环境保护问题在议员中进行了游说Though the Governor of Virginia lobbied on the planters' behalf, the Crown turned a deaf ear.虽然弗吉尼亚殖民地总督为种植园主进行游说,但国王对此充耳不闻。These people have leafleted and canvassed tirelessly for an unfashionable cause.这些人为了一项不受欢迎的事业乐此不疲地散发传单并且到处游说Carers lobbied Parliament to demand a better financial deal.护理员向议会游说,要求改善经济待遇。We lobbied for aluminum can reclamation.我们进行游说,宣传回收铝罐加以利用。Disabled rights campaigners held a mass lobby of Parliament.残疾人权利活动家们对议会进行了集体游说He has been backward to begin his canvass.他迟迟不着手进行游说I saw her father with his rosette on, canvassing for the Conservatives.我看见她父亲戴着玫瑰花结,正在为保守党游说拉票。The governor says he will stump for Republican candidates.州长说他要为共和党候选人游说He canvassed the district for votes.他在选区里游说拉票。He got a couple of friends to thump for him.他有几个朋友为他游说宣传。The Queen told her bluntly that she was misguided in campaigning for Aids victims.女王直言不讳地告诉她,她为艾滋病受害者奔走游说是不明智的。




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