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词汇 清除
例句 There's been a lot of stress on getting drug sellers off the streets.清除街上的毒品贩子是一项一直受到强调的任务。They have purged thousands from the upper levels of the civil service.他们从上层文职部门清除了上千名公务员。Abill was introduced to clean up toxic wastes from local factories.已经提出了一项清除当地工厂排放的有毒废料的议案。They will clear every dealer from the streets.他们要清除街头所有的毒贩。Our job is to clear away the rubbish.我们的工作是清除这些垃圾。Workers could not clear the tunnels of smoke.工人们无法清除隧道里的烟雾。Coughing clears the lungs of mucus.咳嗽能清除肺里的黏液。It removes deeply embedded dirt and grease so allowing your horse's skin to breathe more easily.它可以清除厚积的尘垢和油脂,让马的皮肤更加自在地呼吸。You will need to clean the corrosion off the battery terminals.你需要清除蓄电池接线头上的腐蚀物。He has been exiled from the first team and forced to play in third-team matches.他已被清除出甲级球队,被迫在丙级球队打比赛。Straight after your last cigarette your body will begin to cleanse itself of tobacco toxins.一旦停止抽烟,人体立刻就会开始清除体内的烟草毒素。Wash them in cold water to remove all traces of sand.用冷水冲洗它们以清除所有的沙子。We need to root out those who preach intolerance and hate.我们需要清除那些鼓吹偏狭与仇恨的家伙。It is hoped the procedure will trigger an immune response that will wipe out HIV-infected cells while leaving non-infected cells unharmed.希望这一治疗会激发免疫反应,清除感染了艾滋病病毒的细胞,同时又不损伤未感染细胞。The people who did this must be taken out of society and made amenable to the law.做出这种事情的人必须从社会中清除出去,并且承担法律责任。In the winter he worked shoveling sidewalks.冬天他的工作是清除人行道上的积雪。Each year the seaweed growth returns and has to be cleared.每年,大片海草重又长出,必须清除Clearing trees by burning is highly destructive of the forest environment.通过焚烧来清除树木对森林具有高度破坏性。They ruthlessly smother all opposition.他们无情地清除所有异己。When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.牙斑如果不清除就会导致牙齿蛀蚀和牙龈疾病。It isn't possible to eliminate all mistakes.清除所有错误是不可能的。This will help to eliminate any fishy odours.这会有助于清除鱼腥味。Soak them in bleach to get the stains out.把这些东西泡在漂白剂里以清除污迹。A thorough cleaning includes dusting under the wardrobes.彻底打扫包括清除衣橱下面的灰尘。As long as I have strength, I shall be trying to remove the reactionary forces from the party.只要我还有精力,我就要尽量清除党内反动势力。The Ministry of Health is continuing its efforts to root out incompetent doctors.卫生部继续努力清除不称职的医生。〔They tried to banish him from politics.他们试图把他清除出政界。She is busy cleaning the fowls in the kitchen.她正在厨房忙著清除家禽的内脏。The boy helped Mother sweep the dirt away.男孩帮助母亲清除尘土。The government must weed out criminal elements from within the security forces.政府必须清除安保部队中的犯罪分子。The golden rule is never to clean a valuable coin.重要的原则是决不清除贵重硬币上的污垢。I was set to work dusting the bookshelves.我被安排做清除书架尘土的工作。Salt is the best cure for a red wine stain.用盐来清除红葡萄酒污迹是最有效的办法。The developers have cleared away a lot of the blurb and let the imagery do the talking.开发商清除了很多夸张的文字宣传,转而用图像说话。The herb is believed to cleanse the body of toxins.这种草药据说可以清除体内的毒素。The body naturally eliminates waste products.身体可自然清除体内垃圾。Their ostensible goal was to clean up government corruption, but their real aim was to unseat the government.他们假托要清除政府腐败,可真正目的却是要颠覆政府。This is standard procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.这是清除毒物的标准步骤。The mayor was elected on a promise to cleanse the city government of corruption.市长当选时许诺要清除市政府的腐败行为。These stains can be difficult to remove.这些污渍可能很难清除




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