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词汇 tearing
例句 I've been tearing my hair out trying to get done in time.为了能及时完成我都快疯掉了。The debate is tearing Wall Street asunder.这场争论令华尔街分崩离析。Many children are tearing about in the playground.许多孩子在学校操场上到处奔跑。I can't decide, and it's tearing me apart!我无法决定,这让我苦恼极了。He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough.他听到诺拉正在破口大骂一名勤务兵没有将食品箱及时送回厨房。We've been tearing our hair out trying to decide what to do.我们为决定要做些什么苦恼不已。This issue is tearing their marriage apart.这个问题正使他们的婚姻出现裂痕。Hounds are tearing at the fox's belly.几只猎狗正撕扯狐狸的腹部。The child was tearing at the wrapping of the gift box.那孩子正在用力撕礼盒的包装纸。He went tearing along the road after the bus.他在路上飞奔着追赶公共汽车。Canine teeth are for piercing and killing prey, and tearing flesh.犬齿用来咬穿、咬死猎物,还可以撕肉。His emotions were tearing him apart.他情绪很烦躁。They were tearing at a suicidal speed.他们以自取灭亡般的高速飞驰着。Local sports radio callers were tearing the team to pieces.听众纷纷打电话给当地体育电台,把球队大骂一通。The children were screaming and tearing at each other's hair.孩子们尖叫着,互相抓扯着对方的头发。James began to undress wildly, tearing his clothes off as if he was on fire.詹姆斯开始发疯似地脱衣服,就像身上着了火似的把衣服扯掉。The company came under attack for tearing up the forests.这家公司因毁坏森林而遭到抨击。We need laws to keep people from tearing down these beautiful old buildings.我们需要法律来阻止人们把这些漂亮的老房子拆毁。He noticed that fabric was tearing away from the plane's wing.他注意到机翼在一块一块地断裂。They'll be tearing the building down sooner or later.他们迟早会拆除这座楼。He slapped me a tearing backhander across the face.他反手扇我一记耳光,我的脸撕裂般地痛。The dogs kill foxes by tearing them apart.这群狗把几只狐狸撕咬死。Fund managers have been tearing their hair in frustration.基金经理一直懊恼得要命。Don't tell on me for tearing my trousers.别告发我扯烂了裤子。They began tearing their presents open.他们开始撕礼品的包装。I had been in a tearing hurry to leave the camp.我急匆匆地离开了营地。A police car suddenly came tearing along the street.一辆警车突然沿着街道疾驰而来。Scandal is tearing the government apart.丑闻把政府搞得四分五裂。She got a rocket for tearing her new dress.她把新买的连衣裙弄破了,挨了一顿臭骂。There was a sickening sound of tearing metal.传来一声可怕的金属断裂声。A band of hooligans amused themselves by tearing the place apart.一伙流氓在这个地方翻箱倒柜,以此来取乐。The hyenas fought among themselves, tearing the impala to pieces.鬣狗们你抢我夺,将黑斑羚撕成了碎片。His eyes started tearing up. = He started tearing up.他的眼睛开始充满泪水。Canine teeth are for tearing flesh.犬牙是用来撕肉的。Anyone else would have been tearing their hair out trying to work it out.谁来解决这个问题都会急得焦头烂额的。They were tearing up the dance floor. 他们在舞池里翩翩起舞。Her words were tearing at him.她的话让他伤心。He went tearing down the street on his bicycle.他骑着自行车沿着大街飞奔。The debate is tearing Wall Street asunder.这场争论正令华尔街分崩离析。It's waterproof and resistant to tearing.它是防水的,不易被撕开。




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