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词汇 深感
例句 We were incredibly sorry to hear about his death.得知他的死讯,我们深感遗憾。Despondently, I went back and told Bill the news.深感泄气地回去把这消息告诉了比尔。Everyone who was concerned in the affair regrets it very much.参与此事的人对此都深感遗憾。I was proud that I never gave in.我为自己从不屈服而深感自豪。The people of Hatfield went into shock as they learned their town had been dealt a death blow.哈特菲尔德的人们得知他们的镇子遭遇灾难性事故的消息后都深感震惊。His father was so disgusted to discover his son was dealing drugs he shopped him to police.他父亲发现儿子在贩毒时深感憎恶,就向警察告发了他。She is obviously deeply sorry for what she has done.很明显,她对自己的所作所为深感愧疚。He felt a great sadness for this little girl.他为这个小女孩深感悲哀。They take great pride in their heritage.他们为自己的历史传统深感自豪。She was left badly shaken by her ordeal.她为她遭受的折磨深感震惊。There has always been a lot of interest in the question of life on other planets.人们对其他星球上是否有生命的问题总是深感兴趣。I felt deep pity for the lost dog.那条狗失踪了,我深感可惜。She was deeply distressed to see the animal in so much pain.看到动物这么痛苦,她深感难过。The behaviour of the fans has shamed the team.球迷的行为使这支球队深感愧疚。Animal welfare workers were disgusted that anyone could do this to a puppy.动物福利工作者对有人竟然这么对待小狗深感愤慨。He was deeply pained by your words.你的话让他深感痛苦。Mrs Adamson said that she was extremely sorry, in tones that made it clear that she was nothing of the sort.亚当森夫人说她深感抱歉,但她的语气清楚地让人感到她毫无歉意。She carried a huge burden of guilt for what she had done.她对自己的所作所为深感内疚。She feels a profound ambivalence about her origins.她对自己的出身深感矛盾。The judge's decision astounded everyone.法官的判决使大家深感震惊。There was one sentence which puzzled me deeply.有一句话让我深感不解。The town is mourning the loss of its most beautiful building.该镇正为失去了其最美丽的建筑而深感遗憾。We deplore the accident.我们对这一事故深感遗憾。The violence in her tone gave Alistair a shock.她语气之强烈令阿利斯泰尔深感震惊。I found here a refreshing absence of industrial sprawl.我看到在这儿不存在大工业城市胡乱发展的景象,深感耳目一新。To his indignation, Charles found that his name was not on the list.查尔斯发现他的名字没有出现在名单上,这让他深感愤慨。That is a great anxiety to me.那是一件使我深感焦虑的事情。I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.让我深感震惊的是,孩子们竟会背着父母屡屡欠债。My parents are happy to lend me the money. All the same, I do feel guilty about it.我父母是很愿意借钱给我,不过我对此深感歉疚。We're so laden with guilt.我们深感内疚。The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国领土上这一事实仍然让这些学生深感气愤。Our meetings and conversations left me deeply depressed.我们的会面和谈话让我深感沮丧。They were shocked at how the children had been treated.孩子们竟受到如此的对待,他们深感震惊。His son's success was a great gratification to him.他儿子的成功是令他深感快慰的事。I deplore what has happened.我为所发生的事深感愤慨。Benjamin said that he had been rather overawed to meet one of the Billington family.本杰明说他对与比林顿家族的一员会面深感惶恐。He felt a glow of pride in what she had accomplished.他为她取得的成绩深感自豪。I was fascinated by her stories of her childhood in Africa.我对她童年时在非洲的经历深感兴趣。I experienced a great sense of loss when my father died.父亲死时我深感失怙之痛。Rielle had an overwhelming feeling of guilt.里埃勒深感内疚。




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