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May I see your tickets, please? = Tickets, please.请出示入场券。If you leave the theater, you won't be allowed to reenter without showing a ticket stub.如果离开剧场,须出示入场券副券方能重新入场。Did you get tickets for the game?你有比赛的入场券吗?Entry to the museum costs £3, but there is no charge on Wednesdays and Sundays.博物馆入场券为三英镑,但周三和周日是免费的。There was a rush for the concert tickets.出现了争购音乐会入场券的热潮。I managed to score a couple of tickets to the World Cup final.我设法搞到了几张世界杯决赛的入场券。He showed the guard his ticket.他向门卫出示了入场券。She's our entree.她是我们的入场券。 |