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词汇 入境
例句 Customs officials uncovered a plot to smuggle weapons into the country.海关官员破获了一个走私武器入境的阴谋。They weren't permitted to enter the country.他们未获准入境该国。We all agree there have to be some controls, but the government has gone too far in ordering all immigration to be stopped.我们都同意必须有所限制,但政府下令停止所有移民入境就太过分了。He was refused entry to France.他被拒绝入境法国。Both men were found guilty of illegally entering the country.两名男子都被判定为非法入境The government proposes to relax the rules on bringing pets into the country.政府提议放宽携带宠物入境的规定。The guerrillas had tried to smuggle in anti-tank weapons.游击队员曾试图将反坦克武器偷运入境They are whisked through the immigration and customs formalities in a matter of minutes.给他们办理入境和通关手续只用了短短几分钟时间。The immigration of 1956 included many people from Hungary.一九五六年入境的移民中有许多匈牙利人。Fuchs had entered the country legally on a tourist visa.富克斯是用旅游签证合法入境的。They were imprisoned for illegally entering the country.他们因非法入境被关押起来。He was deported for entering the country under false pretences.他因以虚假身份入境而被驱逐出境。We landed at Heathrow and went through customs and immigration.我们在希思罗机场降落,之后办理了海关和移民入境检查手续。Immigration officials at the airport have confirmed that she entered the country yesterday.机场的移民局官员确认她是在昨天入境的。He was arrested for smuggling drugs into the country.他因走私毒品入境被捕。The country was closed now to foreign journalists.该国现已禁止外国记者入境Immigration authorities refused him entry to the country.该国的移民部门不准许他入境The state should reduce entry barriers for developing countries.国家应该减少对发展中国家的入境壁垒。In some countries, importing drugs is a capital offence.在某些国家,携带毒品入境是死罪。He is banned from entering the US.他被禁止入境美国。It took ages to put together the documentation needed to get into the country - what a business!花了好长时间才将入境所需的文件整理好——真是件麻烦事!I think we need to discourage illegal immigration.我认为我们应该阻止非法移民入境New Zealand has banned vessels carrying nuclear weapons.新西兰已经禁止运载核武器的船只入境There are restrictions on what you can bring into the country. Alcohol, for example, is totally forbidden.该国对可携带入境的东西是有限制的,比如说酒是绝对禁止的。No westerner could fly in without a visa.没有签证的西方人不能乘飞机入境According to Singapore law, the immigration officers were within their rights to refuse me admission.根据新加坡的法律,移民官有权拒绝让我入境Detectives have uncovered a plan to smuggle illegal weapons into the country.侦探发现了走私非法武器入境的阴谋。Immigration officials refused her entry because they thought she was planning to stay.移民局官员禁止她入境,因为他们认为她打算长期居留。He bribed immigration officials and entered the country illegally.他贿赂移民官员非法入境They appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal after being denied entry by the Immigration Department.他们遭移民局拒绝入境后向行政上诉法庭诉请裁决。They were later allowed entry into the country.他们后来获准入境The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage.旅客通过入境检查后领取了自己的行李。Migrant workers are imported by contract as stoop labor in the beet fields.来自外国的移民工人根据合同入境,从事甜菜地里的弯腰劳动。Visa or no visa, they won't let you into the country.不管有没有签证,他们都不会让你入境Make sure you get your entry in before the cut-off.务必在截止日期之前入境All four men were convicted of illegally bringing drugs into the country.四个人全都因为非法携带毒品入境被判了刑。Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation.官员们希望减少外国人入境会使局势安定下来。There's already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan.日本已经全面禁止国外非熟练工入境They smuggled immigrants across the border.他们偷渡移民入境




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