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词汇 消灭
例句 The aim of the civil rights movement was to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms.民权运动的目的是消灭各种形式的种族歧视。A cure for the HIV virus may not be out of reach for much longer.消灭艾滋病病毒的疗法在不远的将来可能不再是无法实现的了。If tedious tasks could be eradicated, the world would be a much better place.如果可以消灭那些单调乏味的工作,世界将会变得更加美好。Doctors think they can wipe out the disease.医生认为他们能消灭这种疾病。We have neutralized the terrorists.我们已消灭恐怖分子的有生力量。Thanks to the widespread availability of antibiotics diseases such as typhoid have largely been eradicated.多亏抗生素的普及,伤寒等疾病在很大程度上已经消灭了。It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.重要的是意识到嫉妒心理,并将其消灭在萌芽阶段,以免失控。Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.一旦有抵抗的苗头出现时,政府总是迅速地加以消灭Ground forces were wiped out by the air attack.地面部队被空袭消灭了。The eradication of the beetle has led to a five-fold increase in crop yields.消灭甲虫使庄稼收成增加到五倍。The President said he would smash terrorism.总统称会消灭恐怖主义。If the enemy continue to resist stubbornly, wipe them out.要是敌人继续顽抗,就把他们消灭干净。Their aim is to eradicate child poverty in the country within 10 years.他们的目标是要在十年之内消灭本国的儿童贫困现象。Pesticides destroy insects that are an important part of the food chain for several species of songbird.农药把对于一些种类的鸣禽来说是食物链中重要一环的昆虫消灭了。The world must eliminate war and poverty.人类必须消灭战争和贫穷。They made a complete riddance of the mice in the warehouse.他们把仓库里的老鼠消灭光了。They ruthlessly extinguished all resistance.他们残酷地消灭了所有抵抗力量。He eliminated his rivals with brutal efficiency.他残忍而又利落地消灭了自己的对手。The Cubans have reduced illiteracy almost to nil.古巴已经基本消灭了文盲。The disease has been effectively wiped out.这种疾病已经被有效地消灭了。Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud.一切恶感都必须在萌芽状态就消灭Poverty could not be eliminated by soaking the rich.贫穷是不能靠对富人的巧取豪夺来消灭的。All doors and windows were sealed for the extermination of mosquitoes.为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了。We hired an exterminator to get rid of the termites.我们请了专业灭蚁人员来消灭白蚁。They have the kind of weapons that can zap the enemy from thousands of miles away.他们拥有那种可以将敌人消灭在千里之外的武器。The chemical acts by destroying the cells in the brain.这种化学品是通过消灭脑子里的那些细胞起作用的。Our mission is to seek out the enemy and destroy them.我们的任务是要找到敌人并把他们消灭Effluent from the sedimentation tank is dosed with disinfectant to kill any harmful organisms.沉降池中的废水中加入了消毒剂,以消灭所有有害微生物。Normally, white blood cells fight off and kill infections.正常情况下,白细胞能抵抗并消灭传染病菌。We all hope for the abolition of war.我们都希望消灭战争。They had many rats to take care of in cleaning up the storehouse.在仓库的大扫除中,有许多老鼠要他们去消灭Vaccines have virtually eliminated many childhood diseases.疫苗实际上已消灭了很多儿童疾病。He gave money to the World Health Organisation to help defeat smallpox.他向世界卫生组织提供资金以帮助消灭天花。We had to fumigate our apartment to get rid of the ants.我们不得不烟熏我们的公寓房间以消灭蚂蚁。We need a more focused approach to finally eliminating polio.我们需要一种更专门的方法最终消灭小儿麻痹症。It is an effective treatment for the bacteria and does kill it off.这是杀菌的特效药,能将其全部消灭The government is determined to stamp out crime.政府决心消灭犯罪。Staff use the poison to exterminate moles and rabbits.员工用毒药来消灭鼹鼠和野兔。They tried to dispose of the incriminating evidence by burning all their blood-stained clothes.他们烧毁所有的血衣,想消灭罪证。Cholera has been eradicated here.在这里霍乱已经消灭




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