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He seems to have a way of turning aside anger with humour.他似乎有办法用幽默来消弭他人的火气。There's no end in sight to the present crisis.看不到目前危机消弭的迹象。There aren't any magic formulas that will help that violence go away.没有任何神奇方案可以促使那种暴力现象消弭。Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps.鼓励教师调动本身不会消弭教学队伍中的种族隔离。Negotiators failed to resolve the bitter dispute between the European Community and the United States over cutting subsides to farmers.谈判者未能消弭欧共体和美国之间在削减农民补贴一事上的争端。 |