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词汇 素食者
例句 Vegetarians are less likely to suffer from obesity.素食者患肥胖症的可能性较小。Phyllis is a vegetarian, but she does eat fish.菲莉丝是个素食者,不过鱼她还是吃的。Vegetarians were once regarded as cranks.素食者一度被认为是怪人。All our cheeses are suitable for vegetarians.我们的奶酪全都适合素食者食用。Vegetarians divide neatly into two groups.素食者清晰地分成两类。I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day-to-day cooking.我是一个素食者,日常烹饪时会用到很多小扁豆。Vegetarians are well catered for.素食者的需求得到了很好的满足。The restaurant is popular with veggies.这家餐厅深受素食者的青睐。As a lacto-vegetarian he eats cheese, as long as it does not contain animal products such as rennet.作为一个乳类素食者,他吃奶酪,只要其中没有动物制品如凝乳酶等就可以。She's a vegetarian, but she's not at all self-righteous about it.她是个素食者,但她对此一点都没有自以为是。They compared the fat intake of groups of vegetarians and meat eaters, and matched their diets up with levels of harmful blood fats.他们比较了素食者组与肉食者组的脂肪摄入量,并将他们的膳食与血脂超标水平对应起来。The menu changes weekly and usually includes a vegan option.菜单每周都有变化,通常包含可供严格的素食者选择的菜肴。These recipes can be easily adapted to suit vegetarians.这些食谱可以很方便地改动一下,以满足素食者的需要。Two of the guests are vegetarian.其中有两个客人是素食者I've been a vegetarian for donkey's years.多年以来我一直是个素食者There are plenty of options for vegetarians on our menu.我们菜单上有许多可供素食者选择的菜肴。




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