例句 |
As time went on, his ambition to be part of the U.S. Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair.随着时间的推移,他跻身美国最高法院的雄心壮志在弥漫着酒精和绝望气息的乌烟瘴气中消失殆尽。By then, the euphoria over the fall of the Berlin Wall had evaporated.到那时,柏林墙倒塌带来的欣喜已消失殆尽。His excitement soon boiled away when the work actually started.等工作真正开始时,他的兴奋很快消失殆尽了。As time went on, his ambition to be part of the US Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair.随着时间的推移,他跻身美国最高法院的雄心壮志在弥漫着酒精和绝望气息的乌烟瘴气中消失殆尽。All his false confidence had drained away.他所有虚假的自信已消失殆尽。 |