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词汇 逃亡
例句 Most of these will be fleeing cold and hunger, rather than fighting.这些人中的大部分会因饥寒交迫而逃亡,而不是因为战争。The getaway car was dumped on the motorway.逃亡用的车被丢弃在高速公路上。To find a means of escape, these bandits resorted to carjacking.为了寻找逃亡工具,这群劫匪只好劫车。The film shows the king retracing his escape from the coup against him.这部电影拍了国王回忆自己如何从那次推翻他的政变中逃亡的经过。The police snagged the thief before he could slip away.警方在小偷能够逃亡之前就将他抓住。The United Nations is urging countries to grant asylum to fleeing Haitian refugees.联合国敦促各国给予逃亡的海地难民避难权。He told the extraordinary story of his escape.他讲述了他离奇的逃亡经历。He was recaptured after nearly two weeks on the run.逃亡将近两周后再次被抓获。The citizens made a gallant stand after the government had fled.政府逃亡以后,市民进行了英勇的抵抗。When senior army officers rebelled, the President was forced to flee the country.高级军官叛乱时,总统被迫逃亡She fled with her children, moving from neighbour to neighbour and ending up in a friend's cellar.她带着孩子逃亡,从一个邻居家跑到另一个邻居家,最后逃到了一个朋友的地下室。The getaway car was dumped near a motorway tunnel.逃亡用的车被丢弃在高速公路隧道附近。




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