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例句 The manager promised that she would speak to the person responsible.经理答应说,她会告诫当事人的。Owen gave him a warning glance.欧文给了他一个告诫的目光。She warns against making changes too quickly.告诫说不要过快做出变动。They admonished her to control her spending.他们告诫她要控制开支。His parents told him to stop his partying and start studying more.他父母告诫他不要再聚会玩乐了,应当开始努力学习。It's incumbent on you to warn them.你有责任告诫他们。He was told to keep up the good work. 他被告诫要再接再厉做好工作。He cautioned that opposition attacks on the ruling party would not further political co-operation.告诫说,反对党对执政党的攻击不会促进政治合作。The government admitted that there was a petrol shortage, but warned people against panic buying.政府承认汽油短缺,但告诫人们不必抢购。My instincts warned me to put some distance between us.我的直觉告诫我要保持我们之间的距离。Drivers are being warned to ease off the gas pedal on this stretch of road.司机们被告诫,在这一路段要减速慢行。Although developments are generally good some cautionary notes should be sounded.虽然发展情况整体良好的,但是一些告诫的话还是应该说的。Another time, a neighbour came out and told the boys to pick on sb their own size.还有一次,一个邻居走出来告诫男孩们不要欺负弱小。He cautioned us against playing in that busy street.告诫我们不要在那条交通繁忙的大街上玩耍。Tony cautioned against misrepresenting the situation.托尼告诫说不要歪曲形势。We warned him against trampling on justice.我们告诫过他,切莫藐视正义。The doctor lectured his patient about smoking too much.医生告诫病人不要吸烟过多。She ignored the admonitions of her mother.她对母亲的告诫置若罔闻。The manager charged him not to accept the gift.经理告诫他不要接受这笔礼物。Police are warning drivers not to go out on the roads unless their journey is really necessary.警方告诫驾车人士,除非真的有必要,否则不要上路。My mother admonished me against arrogance.我的母亲告诫我不要骄傲。Your admonition didn't quite sink in. You may have to talk to him again.你的告诫他没有听进去,你恐怕得再跟他谈谈。His doctor warned him to reduce his daily food intake.医生告诫他要减少每天的食物摄入量。Articles in the paper's Medical Section often alert readers to unsuspected ailments.该报医药栏里的文章常告诫读者对自己浑然不觉的疾病保持警惕。The most common parental admonition must surely be "Don't stay out late".父母告诫孩子们最多的话肯定是“别在外面呆到太晚”。The doctor has told him to slow down or he'll have a heart attack.医生告诫他要放慢生活节奏,否则会心脏病发作。The policeman warned the boys to keep their noses clean.警察告诫那些少年放规矩些。Some alternative practitioners seem to regard the herb as some kind of miracle drug, but conventional doctors are warning them to be careful.一些非传统医学的医生似乎把那草药当成是一种灵丹妙药,然而传统医生却告诫他们要小心使用。The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organizations not to discriminate.种族平等委员会告诫各家机构不要区别对待。Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant.机场的炸弹恐吓事件之后,全体员工都被告诫要格外警惕。The teacher remonstrated with the boy about his low grades.教师告诫男孩,说他的分数太低了。After the violence on the field, the manager lectured the team about acceptable standards of behaviour.运动场上发生暴力事件后,领队告诫全体球员什么才是可接受的行为标准。She told him to keep/stay mum about the project. 告诫他关于项目的事要保密。The police warned us not to go out at night.警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。He felt called to write to all his fellow investors, warning them of the impending crisis.他感到有责任写信给所有和他一起投资的人,告诫他们提防即将到来的危机。Dog-owners have been warned to keep their animals under control.狗的主人已被告诫要看管好自己的狗。She warned that she had no magic wand to solve the problem.告诫说她没有什么妙法来解决这个问题。Police are warning all women in the area to be on their guard.警方正在告诫这一地区的所有妇女要小心提防。She was also warned it was unsafe to run early in the morning in the neighbourhood.她还被告诫大清早在附近跑步是不安全的。President Castro has warned Cubans to prepare for a profound economic emergency.卡斯特罗主席告诫古巴人民为严峻的经济危急状况做好准备。




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