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The movie was a pretty standard romantic comedy.那部电影是相当典型的浪漫喜剧。The movie is a soft-centred, romantic comedy.这是一部多愁善感的浪漫喜剧。His latest movie is described as a "romantic comedy".他的最新影片被描述为一部“浪漫喜剧”。This film is like every other romantic comedy you've ever seen.这部电影跟你看过的所有其他浪漫喜剧没什么两样。Tonight's feature is a new romantic comedy.今晚的电影是一部新上映的浪漫喜剧。Gilding the lily of what is basically a romantic comedy, the director falls a little short of his best mark.导演为一部本质上属于浪漫喜剧的作品画蛇添足,使得他与理想目标失之交臂。His latest movie, believe it or not, is a romantic comedy about a group of lawyers. 信不信由你,他最新的影片是关于一群律师的浪漫喜剧。 |