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词汇 prolong
例句 He asked her another question just to prolong the conversation.他又问了她一个问题,只是想和她多说说话。Doctors commented that some patients deliberately prolong their treatment.医生说有些病人故意延长治疗时间。A heart transplant might prolong his life for a few years.心脏移植可能会使他延长几年生命。Let's not prolong the agony if we can help it.如果我们能帮得上忙,就别让痛苦延续下去了。Careful use will prolong the life of your machine.小心使用会延长机器的寿命。We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong our stay by another week.我们过得非常愉快,决定再多呆一个星期。Chemotherapy helped to prolong her life.化疗有助于延续她的生命。Additives are used to prolong the shelf life of packaged food.添加剂用来延长包装食品的保质期。People have all along been seeking to prolong life.人们一直在寻求长寿之道。Might it be possible to prolong life indefinitely?有可能无限延长寿命吗?He enjoyed the situation and wanted to prolong it.他对处境很满意,希望长此不变。I was trying to think of some way to prolong the conversation.我在设法拖延这次谈话。The doctors just dope you with drugs, but they can't prolong your life.医生只能给你服药,却延长不了你的生命。It's safe to eat foods that have been irradiated to prolong their shelf life.食用经过辐射杀菌处理、延长了保质期的食品是安全的。We do not want to prolong the meeting unnecessarily.我们不想不必要地延长开会时间。It seems he's eager to prolong his trial for as long as possible.看来他很想拖延审判时间,拖得越久越好。A long drawn out war would likely deepen and prolong the recession.一场旷日持久的战争很可能会使衰退程度加剧,时间延长。Chemotherapy can prolong survival in cancer patients.化疗能延长癌症病人的生命。Any defiance would just prolong the agony.任何反抗只会使痛苦延长。The system allowed the elderly to prolong their working lives.这一制度允许老年人多做几年工作。Don't prolong the agony-just tell me the result!别再让我着急了 - 快告诉我结果吧!




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