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词汇 prolonged
例句 His eyes were heavy from prolonged reading.他的眼睛因长时间的阅读而疲乏无神。She returned to the company after a long/prolonged absence.她休完长假后返回公司上班。The drivers' demands were rejected, setting the stage for a prolonged transport strike.司机们的要求遭到拒绝,这就为延长交通罢工创造了条件。The ongoing violence has prolonged the suffering of our people.持续的暴行拖长了人民的痛苦。Firms with large debts may not have the financial strength to survive a prolonged sales decline or a recession.负债多的公司可能缺乏经济实力承受销量长时间下降或经济衰退。A bitter and prolonged custody battle will not benefit the child.痛苦而持久的监护权争夺战对孩子没好处。They prolonged their goodbyes for a few more minutes.他们又过了几分钟才分别。He cheerfully ignored medical advice which could have prolonged his life.他满不在乎地对可以延长他寿命的医嘱置之不理。The report recommends people to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.报告建议人们应避免晒太阳时间过长。How are you going to explain your prolonged absence?你长久不在,打算如何解释?The corruption does not seem to have muted the country's prolonged economic boom.腐败似乎没有影响国家经济的持续繁荣。He prodded me out of a prolonged mood of depression.他激励我从长期的沮丧情绪中解脱出来。The economy is in a prolonged slump.经济陷入长期衰退。Sustaining an uncomfortable position for prolonged periods creates bad posture.长期保持不舒服的姿势会使得体态不优美。We know that prolonged exposure to vibration can weaken aircraft components.我们知道,长时间处在震动状态下会降低飞机零件的强度。It is easier to cope with short bursts of activity than with prolonged exercise.和长时间的锻炼相比,短期内加强活动更容易应付。That country is in for a prolonged period of instability.那个国家免不了要经历一个漫长的动荡时期。Goodyear could be vulnerable in a prolonged economic slump.固特异轮胎公司在长期经济衰退中可能会受影响。The wood had become swollen from prolonged immersion.因长时间浸泡,木头发胀了。His frequent and prolonged absences were making his wife suspicious.他频繁且长时间的不在家引起了妻子的怀疑。The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.通货膨胀的下降是长期经济衰退中的一线转机。Try to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.尽量避免长时间暴露在阳光下。A prolonged drought had necessitated the introduction of water rationing.由于持续干旱,有必要对用水实行配给了。This delicate mechanism has been shot by prolonged misuse.这个精密机械装置由于长期滥用而毁坏了。He had been deafened by prolonged exposure to the noise of the guns firing.长时间听着枪声使他双耳失聪。There is a high risk of developing side effects from prolonged use of the drug.长期使用该药产生副作用的风险很高。The actual action of the drug can be prolonged significantly.这种药物实际起作用的时间可以大大延长。They prolonged the meeting in order to discuss the point.他们延长了会期以讨论这个问题。That prolonged debate still eddied around the budget.那场长时间的辩论还在围绕着预算案的问题进行着。She turned from the glass in the dressing room after a prolonged prink.她在化妆室镜前长时间打扮之后转过身来。She saw a way to end the prolonged legal battle.她想到了一个解决这场旷日持久的法律纠纷的方法。His prolonged absence worries me.他的长期缺席使我担心。He did not want his life to be prolonged by artificial means.他不想靠人为方式延长生命。They prolonged their holiday by a few days.他们把假期延长了几天。Studies show that prolonged exposure to maternal depression can result in childhood mood disorders.研究表示,长期受母亲的忧郁症影响会导致童年期情绪紊乱。The prolonged war has left the nation's economy in a shambles.长期的战乱使该国的经济陷于混乱。




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