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词汇 Rome
例句 We're leaving for Rome this evening and I haven't done my packing yet.我们今天晚上就要动身去罗马了,但我还没有收拾好行李。Your President is talking all this more seriously than his Man in Rome.你们的总统谈论这一切要比他在罗马的使节更为认真严肃。The thermometer nudged three figures yesterday in Rome.昨天罗马的华氏温度接近三位数。In ancient Rome, captured generals were paraded through the streets in chains.在古罗马,俘获的将军被带上枷锁游街示众。They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.他们认为古代希腊罗马是知识的重要发源地。He had boarded an express for Rome.他已经登上了前往罗马的特快列车。They're on vacation in Rome.他们正在罗马度假。He spends his time flitting between Florence, Rome and Bologna.他辗转于佛罗伦萨、罗马和博洛尼亚三地之间。Nero fiddled while Rome burned.罗马城大火时,尼禄却在弹琴作乐。You should come to Rome – it's a wonderful city.你应该到罗马来,这是个奇妙的城市。Last week she was in Paris, and the week before she was in Rome.上周她在巴黎,再上一周她在罗马。When costs soared, the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome.开支猛涨,电影制作公司惊恐之余从罗马召回了那批人员。The Treaty of Rome states that men and women shall receive equal pay for equal work.《罗马条约》中规定,男女应该实行同工同酬。This ticket reads to Athens via Paris and Rome.这张票子上写明经巴黎和罗马至雅典。We tried to get seats on a Rome-bound flight.我们想办法买飞往罗马的机票。Venetians feel more affinity with inhabitants of Vienna than with those of Rome.威尼斯人觉得与维也纳的居民关系比与罗马的人关系更亲密。Miss Imrie modelled her church on the great Franciscan church of S Maria d'Aracoeli in Rome.伊姆里小姐仿照罗马阿拉科利的方济各会圣母大教堂建造她的教堂。Do you know Rome well?你熟悉罗马吗?We went to Rome.我们去了罗马。Gladiators fought with lions in the arena at Rome.在古罗马的角斗场上,角斗士与狮子搏斗。No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped.他一到罗马就被绑架了。A police car chased him and cornered him near Rome.一辆警车追逐他,在快到罗马时将他困住。I don't drink wine usually but on holiday, well, when in Rome...我通常不喝酒,不过在假期嘛,那就入乡随俗吧……The company's headquarters are located in Rome.公司总部在罗马。The cult of Isis was carried from Egypt into Greece and Rome.对伊希斯的膜拜从埃及传到了希腊和罗马。She booked/reserved a seat on the next flight to Rome.她预订了下一班飞往罗马的航班机票。At that time, all serious artists aspired to go to Rome.那时,所有严肃的艺术家都渴望去罗马工作。She's from the provinces and not familiar with Rome.她来自外省,对罗马不熟悉。The practice dates back to the days of ancient Rome.这种习俗可以追溯到古罗马时代。She was in Paris last week and in Rome the week before.她上个星期在巴黎,前一个星期在罗马。He was strangely silent on the subject of Rome.他对罗马这一话题居然一言不发。There I was, stranded in Rome with no money.我当时就那样身无分文地被困在罗马。Max flew back to Rome, his mission a failure.马克斯飞回了罗马,他的任务失败了。Rome is one of the world's most beautiful capitals.罗马是世界上最美丽的首都之一。The championships are to be held in Rome.锦标赛将在罗马举行。They travelled posthaste to Rome to collect the award.他们急急忙忙地赶到罗马去领奖。My mother and father live in Rome.我父母亲住在罗马。The company's head office is sited in Rome.该公司的总部设在罗马。She lived in Rome for a couple of years, where she taught English.她在罗马生活了几年,其间在那里教英语。Rome is famous for its ancient monuments.罗马以古迹闻名。




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