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词汇 concerns
例句 This study concerns the noise levels in cities.这是一项关于城市噪声级别的研究。It's the first school in Scotland to become self-governing, and has raised deep concerns in the local community.它是苏格兰的第一所自我管理的学校,因此在当地社区引起了深切的关注。The decline in sales only validated our concerns.销量下滑只能证明我们的担心是有道理的。The bulk of the book concerns Sandy's two middle-aged children.这本书主要讲的是桑迪的两个已步入中年的孩子。In the meeting Mrs. Ashrawi raised the three main concerns that the Palestinians had.会议上,阿什拉维夫人提出了巴勒斯坦人最为关注的三个问题。The committee brushed aside concerns about racism and prejudice in local government.人们对地方政府中存在种族主义和歧视现象表示担忧,委员会却不予理会。The problem concerns us all.这个问题影响到我们所有人。Out of humanitarian concerns, Germany accepted a large number of refugees.出于人道主义的关怀,德国接受了大量的难民。Koch unloaded his concerns over dinner one night.一天晚上吃晚饭时,科克诉说了自己的担忧。Economic concerns are preoccupying the voters in this election.选民在这次选举中最为关注的是经济问题。There were concerns about contaminated groundwater.对污染的地下水产生了担忧。City officials needed to assuage neighbors' concerns about the new factory.市政官员需要缓解相邻地区对新工厂的忧虑。Raise any concerns at your branch or chapel meeting.有任何问题都请在你们的工会分会会议上提出。A series of articles and television shows publicized concerns that the chemical Alar, used to keep apples red and firm, could cause cancer.一系列文章和电视节目都反映了民众的普遍担忧,就是用于保持苹果红润坚实的丁酰肼这种化学物质是会致癌的。Operations at the plant have been suspended because of safety concerns.出于安全考虑暂停该工厂的生产经营。She articulated the major concerns of the administration.她清楚地表达了政府关注的主要问题。It is a society in which women's rights and concerns are still treated as peripheral.在这个社会里,妇女的权益仍被看作是次要的。The myth that Japan is not open to concerns from outside has, I think, been demolished at a stroke.关于日本对外界的关注不予理会的谬论,我认为,一下子就被驳倒了。Much of the material in her early letters concerns events which happened some years before.她早期的信中很多内容都是讲几年前发生的事情。It is an indication that they are taking our concerns seriously.这表示他们正在认真考虑我们关切的事。There are concerns that some players have been doctoring the ball.有人担心一些选手在球上做手脚。In her latest book she discusses the menopause, which is a subject that concerns all womankind.在最新的书里,她讨论了更年期这一涉及所有女性的话题。What concerns me is the speed at which these reforms are going ahead.使我担忧的是这些改革推进的速度。I have other, more pressing concerns.我还有其他更要紧的事。The report concerns the drug traffic on the Mexican-US border.这份报告讲的是墨西哥和美国边境的毒品交易。My one reservation concerns the performance of the vehicle in wet conditions.我的一个疑虑是车辆在潮湿环境下的性能。The need for blood donors trumps all other concerns.献血人数不足比其他问题更为严重。He was voicing the concerns of ordinary shareholders.他表达了普通股东的心声。Health concerns were a secondary consideration to the reformers.医疗卫生问题对于改革者来说是次要的考虑因素。Macmillan was quite frank about his concerns.麦克米伦十分坦率地说出了他的担心。A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience's needs and concerns.好的演讲者能够预先考虑到听众的需求以及他们关注的事。Western investors have been inhibited by concerns over the country's history of economic instability.该国经济不稳定的历史令西方投资者们担忧,因此望而却步。Those concerns were overshadowed by subsequent events.随后发生的事使之前关注的那些问题显得无足轻重。Practical necessity overrides any other concerns.实际需要压倒一切。Chapter 2 concerns itself with the methodological difficulties.第二章讲的是研究方法上的难点。Lobbyists for the tobacco industry have expressed concerns about the restriction of smoking in public places.烟草业的游说者们对在公共场所限制吸烟表示关切。The company plays on the concerns of parents in order to sell their products.公司利用父母们的担忧来销售产品。He was as much a journalist as a storyteller: witness the fact that many of his concerns are still relevant today.他是一个记者,也是一个讲故事的高手:比如他所关心的许多事情至今仍有重大意义就是明证。He said that American military power should never again be vitiated by political concerns.他说美国的军事力量绝不能再次因为政治上的考虑而有所削弱。Each party was blind to the other's concerns.双方都没有意识到对方所关切的事情。




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