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词汇 脸上
例句 She had a forlorn look on her face.脸上有一种孤独的神情。Her face was freckled by exposure to the sun.由于日晒她的脸上生了色斑。Pain/sorrow was etched on his face.从他的脸上可以看出他很痛苦/悲伤。The children's faces were full of wonder as they gazed up at the Christmas tree.孩子们抬头看着圣诞树,脸上充满着惊叹。The smiles faded from their faces.他们脸上的笑容消失了。Some kids squirted a water pistol in her face.有几个小孩拿着一把水枪朝她脸上喷水。She wore a habitually severe expression.脸上一副惯常的严肃表情。I guess I wear my heart on my sleeve. 我想我的情绪都挂在脸上了。I will never forget the look of sheer terror on her face.我永远忘不掉她脸上的惊恐神色。His cheek stung where his mother had slapped him.脸上被母亲扇过耳光的地方火辣辣的疼。Henry's sad smile mirrored that of his son.亨利脸上那苦涩的笑容跟他儿子一模一样。The disease may leave blemishes on his face.这种疾病可能会在他脸上留下疤痕。Her face was streaked with tears.她的脸上布满泪痕。He flashed his benevolent and almost charming smile.脸上闪现出亲切的笑容,简直令人着迷。She smeared the cream liberally on her face.她随便在脸上抹了些护肤霜。The staff wear big sunny smiles.员工的脸上都带着灿烂的笑容。A faint smile flickered across her face.一丝淡淡的笑意在她脸上掠过。Slowly, maddeningly, a smile surfaced on his face.他的脸上慢慢地浮现出一丝微笑,这真是叫人火大。She had an unbelieving look on her face.脸上有种怀疑的表情。He had short ginger hair and freckles.他一头姜黄色短发,脸上有雀斑。Her face showed her disappointment.从她的脸上看出她很失望。A dull red flush suffused Selby's face.塞尔比的脸上泛起了淡淡的红晕。You could see his craziness and his cunningness both in his face.在他的脸上你可以同时看到他的愚蠢和狡猾。She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.她往脸上搽了粉,抹了口红和胭脂。A sinister expression appeared on his face when I called him a liar.当我称他为骗子时,他的脸上出现了一个凶恶的表情。I saw the faintest trace of a smile cross Sandra's face.我看到桑德拉的脸上闪过一丝微笑。Manda's face took on a look of fright.曼达脸上露出惊恐的表情。The scarred side of his face was a livid red.他的脸上有伤疤的一侧呈现青红色。We saw the terrible realization of what she'd done dawn on her face.我们从她脸上看出她突然恐惧地认识到自己做了什么。There was a worried look on his face.他的脸上显露出忧虑的表情。Billy had rosy cheeks and blue eyes.比利脸上红扑扑的,长着一双蓝眼睛。Marianne noted his flustered appearance.玛丽安娜注意到了他脸上慌乱的表情。Nick had bruises on his face and body.尼克脸上和身上都有瘀伤。Her face was etched with deep lines.她的脸上刻下了深深的皱纹。I can't go out tonight with this zit on my face!脸上有这个小脓疱,今晚不能出去了!Sue looks much healthier now and her face has started to fill out.休现在看上去健康多了,脸上也开始长肉了。Rivulets of sweat/rain/blood ran down his face.汗水/雨水/鲜血从他脸上不住地流下来。A faint blush came into her cheek.她的脸上出现了淡淡的红晕。I looked at his thin face with its almost transparent skin.我看着他清瘦的脸,脸上肌肤几近透明。Her face had no creases despite years of hardships.尽管长期受苦,她脸上却没有皱纹。




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