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词汇 concentrating on
例句 I am sick of all the quarrelling among politicians who should be concentrating on vital issues.我厌恶政客间的所有那些争吵,他们本应把注意力集中在重大问题上。The government went back to fundamentals, concentrating on avoiding food shortages.政府回到最基本的问题上,全力防止粮食短缺。She was concentrating on her book and his voice startled her.她正在聚精会神地看书,被他的声音吓了一跳。She tried to steady her nerves by concentrating on the book.她想把思想集中到书本上以使自己定下神来。The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts.该公司正在变卖几块地皮,全力削减债务。The opposition gained support by concentrating on bread-and-butter matters.反对党关注与大多数人切身利益相关的问题,从而赢得了人们的支持。The party is concentrating on the marginal wards of Reading Kentwood and Tilehurst West.该党集中力量争取边缘选区雷丁肯特伍德和西泰尔赫斯特的支持。She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer.她现在正专注于服装设计工作。Doctors are concentrating on understanding the disease better, and on optimizing the treatment.医生正致力于更好地了解这种疾病,并使治疗方法尽可能完善。Most people can't be bothered thinking about their retirement - they're too busy concentrating on the here and now.大多数人都顾不上去考虑退休的事情——他们都在忙着考虑现在。He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement.他避开了最棘手的问题,将精力集中于有可能达成一致的领域。




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