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词汇 法院
例句 The Court was an arbiter between the States and the federal government.法院是各州与联邦政府之间的仲裁者。The Court shall have authority to demand the presence of witnesses.法院有权要求证人出庭。I was in hourly expectation of a summons to execution.我随时可能收到法院执行死刑的传票。The court has issued/granted an injunction against the strike.法院已经发布了此次罢工的禁制令。The court has jurisdiction over most criminal offenses.法院对大部分刑事犯罪拥有审判权。He was brought to trial on charges of arson.他以纵火罪被送法院审理。The owner can appeal to the court to adjudicate on the matter.业主可请求法院裁定此事。The court has no jurisdiction in this case.法院对本案没有管辖权。The courts ordered the seizure of all her property.法院下令没收她的全部财产。The court affirmed his conviction. 法院对他维持有罪原判。Justice was administered in a rough and ready fashion, without using courts or juries.审判以很简单的方式进行,没有经过法院,也没有陪审团参与。A donnybrook has erupted over the court's decision.法院的裁决引发了一场公开辩论。The court exculpated him after a thorough investigation.经过彻底的调查,法院宣布他无罪。He vowed that he would not take the court's decision lying down. 他发誓对法院的判决绝不善罢甘休。The British courts have universal jurisdiction over torture cases.英国各法院对于虐待案拥有普遍管辖权。She tried to have the court's decree reversed.她试图让法院撤销裁决。They were besieged by reporters while leaving the courthouse.离开法院时他们被记者团团围住。The record of his case is in the court clerk's file.他这案子的审判记录在法院书记官处有案可查。Courts ruled that prayer in school violates a clause of the First Amendment.法院裁定,在学校里做祷告违反了《第一修正案》中的一个条款。The city leaders finally conceded defeat and approved the court-ordered housing plan.市领导最终承认失败,并批准了法院裁定的住房计划。The court feels it has a responsibility to ensure that customers are not misled.法院认为它有责任确保消费者不受误导。Of course, we're disappointed with the court's decision.当然,我们对法院的判决非常失望。The court's decision was a major setback for Bradley.法院的判决对布拉德利是个很大的打击。The absurd trial is a sendup of the Dublin courts.那荒谬的审判是对都柏林法院讽刺性的模仿。The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings.法院速记员作了审判记录。The court's decision binds them to pay the fine.根据法院的判决,他们必须缴付罚款。The final judgment will be made in court.法院将会作出最终判决。The courts are organs of government.法院是政府机构。Courts have been reluctant to reopen old wounds by trying crimes that are decades old.法院不愿重揭旧伤疤,去审理几十年前的罪案。The court has sent out the garnishment to him.法院已将传票寄给他了。The court dismissed the action. 法院驳回了那起诉讼。The court overturned the conviction against her.法院推翻了对她的判决。The court is unlikely to be swayed by those arguments.法院不可能受那些争论的影响。An annulment of the marriage was granted by the court because it was illegal.因结婚不合法,法院已准予宣告婚姻无效。Get real. It's pretty hard for a young woman on her first job to take a case of sexual harassment to court.现实一点,对于一个才在做她的第一份工作的年轻女孩来说,把遭受性骚扰之事告到法院是很艰难的。The court will sit until all the evidence has been heard.法院将一直开庭到所有证词都陈述完毕为止。The Court ruled that hitting children was an abuse of human rights.法院裁定,殴打儿童是一种侵犯人权的行为。She had received a summons to appear in court.她已经接到法院传唤其出庭的传票。The court has yo-yoed on this issue.法院对这问题的态度摇摆不定。He was given two years' probation by a Los Angeles court.洛杉矶一家法院判处他缓刑两年。




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