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词汇 法律规定
例句 Companies are legally required to keep records of all their financial transactions.法律规定公司必须保存其所有金融交易的记录。The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.法律规定孩子不上学父母要负责任。The law states that you are innocent until proved guilty.法律规定,你在被证明有罪之前是清白的。The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex.法律规定人人平等,不分种族、宗教或性别。Commercial vehicles, coaches and lorries are required by law to be fitted with tachographs.法律规定商用车辆、长途汽车和卡车要安装转速计。Private security firms must still operate within the limits of the law.私人保安公司仍必须在法律规定的范围内经营。The law provides for a maximum of two years in prison.法律规定最高可处以两年监禁。Restaurants are legally obliged to display prices for food and drink.法律规定餐馆必须得标明食物和饮料的价格。You are required by law to stop your car after an accident.法律规定,发生事故后必须停车。A sign just ahead of me said, Buckle Up. It's the Law.我面前的一个牌子上写着:扣好安全带。这是法律规定The law is as clear as mud on this point.在这一点上,法律规定非常模糊。A new law disqualifies persons from getting unemployment insurance if they quit without good cause.一项新法律规定,无正当原因离职者丧失取得失业保险金的资格。Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.法律规定药剂师必须按照医生开的处方配药。The law provides that minors will be treated differently from adults.法律规定未成年人须与成年人区别对待。Laws exist to stop companies exploiting their employees.法律规定禁止公司剥削其员工。The powers of the courts are defined by law.法庭的权力是由法律规定的。The courts ordered busing to desegregate the schools.法律规定要用校车运送学生来打破学校的种族隔离。The law prescribes a prison sentence of at least five years for the crime.法律规定对这种罪行至少要处以五年的徒刑。Car insurance is required by law in most countries.大多数国家的法律规定汽车要买保险。The law makes the government responsible for clean up of the waste at these sites.法律规定政府有责任清理这些地方的废弃物。Current legislation provides for the detention of those suspected of terrorism.现行法律规定可以拘留嫌疑恐怖分子。The law requires a cooling-off period between the time a gun is purchased and when it may be possessed.法律规定在枪支购买和实际拿到枪支的时间之间要有一段冷静期。There are laws against underage sex and underage drinking.有禁止未成年性交和饮酒的法律规定The law has criminalized prostitution but not got rid of it.法律规定卖淫为非法行为,但没能禁绝。All the conditions prescribed by law have been complied with.法律规定的所有情况均已得到遵守。The new law gives authorities a responsibility to provide aids to the disabled.法律规定当局有责任为残疾人提供帮助。The state is legally bound to provide each child with an education.法律规定国家有义务为每个孩子提供受教育的机会。The law provides for a maximum of two years in prison.法律规定最高可判处两年监禁。Laws stipulate the maximum interest rate that banks can charge.法律规定银行可以收取的最高利率。Local authorities are required by statute to provide care homes for the elderly.法律规定地方政府须为老年人设立养老院。Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.法律规定父母必须送子女入学。The time of opening of pubs is regulated by law.酒店的开始营业时间由法律规定The law is clear: bribery is wrong.法律规定很清楚:贿赂是违法的。Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against minorities and women.联邦法律规定,歧视少数民族和妇女是违法的。By law, the purchase must be completed within a month after the contracts are signed.法律规定,购买程序必须在合同签署后一个月内完成。The law required cession of the land to the heirs.法律规定这块土地移交继承人。The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved.法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。The law requires cyclists to wear protective headgear.法律规定骑车人应戴头盔。It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.这只是被冠冕堂皇地称作英国司法的法律体系中荒唐的法律规定之一。It is required by law to shut down banks which it regards as chronically short of capital.法律规定资金长期短缺的银行必须关闭。




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