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词汇 心存
例句 It is doubtful whether it will be possible to carry through the education reforms.对于能否成功实现教育改革,人们还心存疑虑。He still harboured doubts about her real intentions.他对她真正的意图仍心存疑问。She shared my misgivings about the planned weekend.她和我一样对这个周末计划心存疑虑。Despite her doubts, she supported the new legislation out of a misplaced sense of loyalty to the leadership.尽管心存疑虑,但出于对领导的愚忠,她还是支持这个新的法规。Frankly, I wouldn't trust his emotional state right now.坦白地说,我对他目前的情感状态心存疑虑。The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organisations not to discriminate.种族平等委员会告诫各家机构不要心存歧视。Some of our number have had doubts about this.我们中的一些人对此心存疑虑。Investors are plagued by doubts about Detroit's Big Three carmakers.投资者对底特律三大汽车制造商一直心存疑虑。He is the generous Lord, the gracious, the Hearer, the Near-at-Hand, the Compassionate, the Merciful.他是慷慨的主,仁慈宽厚,耐心聆听,近在咫尺,心存怜悯,慈悲为怀。Many teachers are likely to have reservations about the new tests.很多老师可能对这些新的考试心存疑虑。He cited a Chinese proverb to the effect that you should never wish ill on your neighbour.他引用了一个中国谚语,大意是不应对邻居心存恶念之类的。I still have moments of doubt.有时我仍然会心存疑虑。She had/felt some qualms about moving to the big city.她对移居到大城市心存顾虑。Some people, nervous about the health scare over cellular phones, have started using hands-free apparatus.有些人对手机不利于健康心存恐惧,开始使用免提装置。I tried to reassure them, but they remained doubtful.我试图使他们安心,可他们还是心存疑虑。I had my doubts when she started, but she's getting really good.她刚开始做时我心存疑虑,但她真的做得很好。They are skeptical about how much will be accomplished by legislation.他们对于立法成效心存疑虑。She has an abiding sense of guilt about her behaviour.她对自己的行为一直心存愧疚。Despite my misgivings, I took the job.我尽管心存疑虑,但还是接受了这份工作。The school's decision is being questioned by a group of concerned parents.学校的决定受到一群心存忧虑的家长的质疑。My parents were dubious about it at first but we soon convinced them.我父母起初对此心存疑虑,但是我们很快就让他们信服了。It was clear that Brinkman had entertained the same initial misgivings as we had.显然,布林克曼和我们一样最初也心存疑虑。We had our doubts about the car's reliability from the start.我们从一开始就对这辆汽车的性能是否可靠心存疑虑。If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to give it a try.如果你对锻炼仍然心存疑虑,我们只能请你亲自试一试了。If de Gaulle entertained hopes of an alliance, he was to be swiftly disappointed.如果戴高乐心存联盟的希望,他很快就会失望的。He felt a certain defensiveness about his position.他对自己的位置心存戒备。She is all too aware that we should be grateful for good health…我们应对健康的身体心存感恩,这一点她太清楚了。Executives say they are leery of the proposed system.经理们说他们对提议的制度心存顾虑。It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily.心存奢望是不明智的。Know how to care for others and how to protect yourself even more.心存良善,更应懂自保。In spite of her hostility, she was attracted to him.尽管自己心存敌意,她还是为他所吸引。He poisoned her mind against me.他说我的坏话,使她对我心存厌恶。She still nursed her old grievance.她仍然心存旧怨。He agreed, despite his misgivings.尽管心存疑虑,他还是同意了。Let us entertain no protestations about that.对于那事咱们别再心存异议吧。He said he had doubts about the whole enterprise.他说他对整个项目心存疑虑。She was doubtful about the interview from the off.她从一开始就对面试心存疑虑。Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors.普通百姓对总统号召人们邻里间亲密相处心存疑虑。He teases him mercilessly, but with affection.他虽毫不留情地嘲弄他,却对他心存好感。He was concerned over growing liberalism in the Church.他对教会中日益增强的自由主义倾向心存忧虑。




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