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词汇 平时
例句 If he feels hotter than normal, take his temperature.如果他感觉比平时热,量量他的体温。His normally cheerful face looked sad for a moment.平时笑嘻嘻的脸上似乎掠过一丝悲伤。He was, as always, immaculately dressed.他和平时一样,穿着得体,无可挑剔。Keep your voice at its normal pitch; never shout or become excited.保持平时的音调就行,不要大喊大叫,也不要太激动。The river was twice its usual girth.河面宽为平时的两倍。It's long past his regular bedtime.这已远远迟于他平时上床时间。As usual, Simon affected complete boredom.平时一样,西蒙装出无聊之极的样子。I find it hard to be myself when I'm with people I don't know well.和不熟的人在一起时,我很难像平时一样轻松自如。He came home later than usual.他回家比平时迟。If you have to drive when you are tired, go a little more slowly than you would normally.如果不得不疲劳驾驶,那就开得比平时慢一点。She is not usually good at table tennis; that winning stroke was a fluke.平时乒乓球打得并不好,那取胜的一击抽球不过是侥幸而已。Her rude behaviour is not in consistency with her usual polite nature.她的粗鲁行为和她平时斯文的性情是不相符合的。He was a sweet man but when he drank he tended to quarrel.平时是一个温和的人,但喝了酒后往往就会又吵又闹。It was a school day that began like any other.那是一个学校上课的日子,起初和平时并没有什么两样。He seemed ill at ease and not his usual self.他似乎不大自在,不像平时的他。I found him in the garden, dreaming away as usual.我在花园里找到了他,同平时一样他又在一个劲儿地发呆。Normally she wore little make-up, but this evening was clearly an exception.平时很少化妆,但今晚显然是个例外。You don't have to deny yourself everything that's nice when you're pregnant. Moderation is the watchword.怀孕时没有必要抗拒一切平时喜欢的东西。关键是要适度。She wears makeup for special occasions, but otherwise prefers an au naturel look.她在重要场合时才化妆,平时喜欢素颜。She took a larger than usual drink of wine.她比平时多喝了一点酒。We get time and a half for working on Sundays.我们星期天上班会拿到平时一倍半的工资。It seemed colder than usual in the house.屋里好像比平时冷。It was unlike her to be so taciturn - she must have had something on her mind.她这么沉默寡言可不像她平时的样子一她一定有什么心事。The hotel lobby was full of the usual hangers-on and social climbers.酒店的大堂里和平时一样,满是钻营拍马的人和一心向上爬的人。He was wearing as always his faded army uniform.他同平时一样穿着他那件退了色的军服。He was dressed very differently from his normal garb.他的穿着与平时大不一样。I was working my usual late hours.当时我正和平时一样在熬夜工作。The work that students do during the term counts towards their final grade.学生平时的功课会算到期末总分里。She was tired, and lacked her usual spark.她很累,没有了平时的活力。Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.他没像平时那样优雅庄重地走着,而是几乎跑了起来。It is taking longer than usual for orders to reach our customers.订购的货品送达顾客手中所需的时间比平时延长了。The mayor is leading us down a/the primrose path by refusing to maintain the roads and only repairing them after they fail.市长平时不注重道路的维护,等坏了才维修,这是带领我们得过且过,走向灾难。All the usual people were there.平时常来的那些人全在那里。The usually withdrawn Betty even began to express her own fondness for him.那位平时怕羞的贝蒂甚至开始表达自己对他的好感。The birds sang louder than ever.鸟儿比平时唱得更欢了。We were relying on the guards to give the room no more than their usual cursory inspection.我们指望警卫们只是像平时那样草草检查一下房间。Under questioning he did himself less than justice.被人诘问再三,他的表现比平时差得多。After three drinks she appeared to be further along than usual.三杯下肚,她显得比平时更加醉醺醺的。He was wearing a grey suit as opposed to his usual check sports jacket.他穿着一套灰色西服,而不是平时穿的格子运动夹克。We were all on time - even Chris and he's usually late for everything.我们都准时到达——就连平时做事一向拖拖拉拉的克里斯都没迟到。




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