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词汇 computer industry
例句 They are up-to-date on recent developments in the world computer industry.他们了解世界计算机业的最新发展。She spoke about the latest hot trends in the computer industry.她谈了计算机行业的最新流行趋势。He was able to get in on the ground floor of the computer industry.他能够在计算机产业起步时参与其中。This is the show that attracts computer industry people like bees to a honeypot.这就是那个吸引计算机业界人士蜂拥而至的展览。The book allows us to glimpse the future of the computer industry.这本书使我们对计算机行业的未来有了粗浅了解。In the computer industry, change comes about very rapidly.计算机这一行更新换代非常迅速。The book is filled with flights of fancy about the future of the computer industry.这本书充满了对未来计算机工业的奇思妙想。The company has kept a high profile in the computer industry.这家公司在计算机行业一直保持着很高的关注度。The computer industry has expanded greatly over the last decade.计算机行业在过去十年间发展迅速。Some experts believe we are now seeing the maturation of the computer industry.有些专家相信计算机行业正成为一个成熟市场。Such thinking puts Kodak in the vanguard of a movement reshaping the computer industry.这种想法使得柯达走在了改造计算机产业运动的最前沿。In the computer industry, engineers have to retool frequently.在电脑业中,工程师必须经常以新知识充实装备自己。Many young people now gravitate toward careers in the computer industry.如今许多年轻人都趋向于投身计算机行业。He attended the conference for a chance to touch base with other people in the computer industry.为了寻找机会了解计算机行业其他人的近况,他参加了会议。The company is now one of the giants of the computer industry.这家公司现在是计算机行业的巨头之一。The book offers a glimpse into the future of the computer industry.这本书使读者对计算机行业的未来有了粗浅了解。Their invention rocked the computer industry.他们的发明对计算机产业产生了重大影响。English is the de facto language of the computer industry.英语是计算机行业的实际语言。He claims that he has/keeps his finger on the pulse of the computer industry. 他声称自己对计算机行业动态了如指掌。Things could be looking up in the computer industry.计算机行业的情况可能会好转。She got into the computer industry early in the game. 计算机产业刚兴起时,她就入行了。Her knowledge of the computer industry is bang up to date.她关于计算机产业的知识是最新的。Their company is the 800-pound gorilla of the computer industry.这家公司在计算机行业有举足轻重的地位。The company had pitted itself against the giants of the computer industry in an attempt to increase its share of the market.该公司曾与计算机行业巨人竞争,以增加市场份额。The computer industry is in constant flux, responding all the time to changes in technology.随着技术的不断变化,电脑产业也一直处于不断的变化之中。In today's computer industry, the whole time scale of new product development is far shorter than it was 10 years ago.在当今的电脑工业中,新产品开发的整个时间段比十年前短得多了。The computer industry has been booming.计算机行业持续繁荣。




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