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词汇 沙发
例句 I don't care where I sleep. Any old couch will do.我不在乎在哪里睡。随便一个沙发就行。The old couch is falling apart. = The old couch is coming apart at the seams.这个旧沙发快要散架了。Their sofa is horrible – I wouldn't give it houseroom!他们的沙发难看极了,我才不要呢。I think the ball rolled under the sofa.我觉得球滚到沙发下面去了。He staggered dizzily toward the couch.他头晕眼花,踉踉跄跄地朝沙发走去。To the left of the sofa is a table.沙发的左边是一张桌子。The new sofa was bigger than the old one, so they had to rearrange the rest of the furniture.沙发比旧沙发要大,所以他们不得不重新摆放其他的家具。She dropped her jacket on the sofa.她把夹克扔到了沙发上。We bought the sofa on the understanding that we could return it if it didn't fit in the room.我们买下这个沙发,前提是不合适可以退货。I darted behind the sofa and hid.我冲到沙发后藏了起来。Ralph patted the sofa to indicate that she should join him.拉尔夫拍拍沙发,示意她坐过来。Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.她家客厅一头是办公处,一头是舒适的沙发,真是两全其美。When are the deliverers bringing the sofa?送货员什么时候把沙发送来?A throw can protect a new sofa or enhance the appearance of an old, tired one.一条薄毯可以用来保护新沙发或是让老旧的沙发面貌一新。He quickly stuffed the letter down the side of the sofa.他飞快地把那封信塞进沙发的一边。He tried to move the sofa by himself.他试图独自搬动那张沙发He lifted her up bodily and carried her back to the sofa.他把她一把举起,放回到沙发上。The sofa is stuck in the doorway and I can't shift it.沙发卡在门口,我无法移动它。Foam-filled couches are a serious fire hazard.泡沫填料沙发是火灾的一大隐患。The delightful sofa invites repose.看到那么舒适的沙发不由得想躺下休息。The sofa was covered in very pretty flowery material.沙发面料是一种很漂亮的花朵图案的布料。Chairs, sofas and benches are different types of seat.椅子、沙发和长凳是不同类型的座位。She staggered over to the sofa.她踉踉跄跄地朝沙发走去。The sofa converts easily into a bed.沙发很容易变成床。We can push the sofa back so that it's flat against the wall.我们可以把沙发向后推一下,让它紧贴着墙。I sat in a low chair by the fire, reading.我坐在火炉边的矮沙发上看书。She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa.她下班回到家便倒在了沙发上。He jackknifed on the sofa beside the Christmas tree.他弓着腰坐在圣诞树旁的沙发上。The color of the sofa is echoed in the painting above it. = The painting echoes the color of the sofa. 沙发颜色与它上方挂的那幅画的颜色相似。Instructions on caring for your new sofa are included.里面有保养你新沙发的说明书。She plopped down on the sofa beside me.她挨着我重重地坐在了沙发上。I don't mind sleeping on the sofa.我不介意睡沙发The new couch takes up half of the room.沙发占去房间的一半。He was sprawling in the sofa in front of the TV.他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的沙发上。She settled down to read on the huge, overstuffed couch.她在软绵绵的大沙发里坐下读书。Moving the couch up the stairs sapped her strength.沙发搬上楼累得她一点儿力气都没有了。She sat on a lumpy sofa with a tartan rug thrown over it.她坐在一张高低不平、铺着格子呢盖毯的沙发上。One of my mum's friends was getting a new sofa, and so she let us have the old one.我妈妈的一个朋友买了新沙发,所以就把旧的给了我们。He got his winter jacket from the closet and dropped it on the sofa.他从衣橱里取出冬天穿的夹克,把它扔到沙发上。I was dragged and lumped onto a sofa.我被费力地拖着抬到了沙发上。




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