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词汇 汽车引擎
例句 He enjoys monkeying around with his car's engine.他喜欢瞎捣鼓他的汽车引擎My car engine overheated because the water had leaked out of the radiator.我的汽车引擎过热,原因是散热器漏水。We packed away the picnic things and started up the engine.我们收拾好野炊的物品,发动了汽车引擎The bullets ricocheted off the bonnet and windscreen.子弹从汽车引擎盖和挡风玻璃上弹飞了。The car engine is idling.汽车引擎在空转。An automobile engine delivers torque to the driveshaft.汽车引擎向传动轴输送转矩。He lifted the car's bonnet to check the engine.他掀开汽车引擎盖检查引擎。Within a few minutes he had the car engine in pieces on the garage floor.不出几分钟,他已经把汽车引擎拆得支离破碎,放在车库的地板上了。The car engine had developed a fault.汽车引擎出了故障。Please check the fluids in the car's engine.请检查一下汽车引擎里的液体。My car's engine conked out this morning.今天早晨,我的汽车引擎出了故障。My son mucked up the car engine by using cheap, low grade gasoline.我的儿子使用便宜的低级汽油,汽车引擎损坏了。An automobile engine is a complex mechanism.汽车引擎是种复杂的机械装置。The car's engine flooded.那辆汽车引擎溢流,开动不了。My car engine is making a strange rattling noise.我的汽车引擎发出一种奇怪的嗒嗒声。He heard the car engine running sweetly beyond the open door.他听到敞开的门口外的汽车引擎运转正常。He heard a car engine racing behind him.他听到身后汽车引擎高速运转的声音。If you overdrive a vehicle, you will ruin the engine.超速驾驶会损坏汽车引擎No battery could store enough energy to turn over a car's engine.任何电池都无法储存足以启动汽车引擎的能量。He left the engine on while waiting for Joe.他在等候乔时让汽车引擎开著。My car has got engine trouble.我的汽车引擎发生故障。Don't leave the car engine running.别让汽车引擎运转着。




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