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词汇 汽车
例句 Personalizing your car has never been cheaper.定制汽车从没这么便宜过。The getaway car made off towards Horrocks Avenue.逃跑用的汽车往霍罗克斯大街方向开去。What have you got in the boot?汽车后备箱里有什么?The car is way too expensive.这辆汽车太贵了。He looked out the window at the car on the street below.他望着窗下街头的那辆汽车Schumacher crashed out in practice for the Australian grand prix.舒马赫在备战澳大利亚汽车大奖赛时发生了车祸,不能继续参赛。Eastern European cars have never really had a good press in this country.东欧汽车在该国从没真正得到过好评。She come very near to be run over by a motorcar.她几乎被一辆汽车辗过。Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank.他们的汽车被军用坦克压扁了。Someone had set fire to her car.有人放火烧了她的汽车The car sped off.汽车快速开走了。The car was not able to pull such a large weight.汽车拖不动这么重的东西。In those days, fuel economy was a central factor in car design.在那个时代,燃料的节约是汽车设计中要考虑的一个主要因素。The car was going too fast.那辆汽车开得太快了。A stolen car smashed into the bus.一辆偷来的汽车猛地撞上了公共汽车The car shot ahead and was soon out of sight.汽车飞速向前,很快就消失了踪影。His wealth enabled him to indulge his love of fast cars.他的财富使他能够纵情于自己对速度快的汽车的喜爱。He spent days in torment while the police searched for his stolen car.在警方搜寻他遭窃汽车的同时,他在极度苦恼中过了好些天。I always feel sick if I sit in the back seat of the car.我只要坐在汽车后排座位上就会觉得恶心。TV advertisements seduce people into buying a particular kind of chocolate bar, washing powder or car.电视广告引诱人们购买某种巧克力棒、洗衣粉或者汽车The car in front started to slow down.前面那辆汽车开始减速。You should take basic precautions like locking your car up.你应该采取基本的防盗措施,比如说把汽车锁好。The cars had stopped at the sound of the approaching siren.这些汽车听到愈来愈近的警笛声便停了下来。A car came to a stop outside the jeweller's.一辆汽车在珠宝商店门外停下。 Edinburgh is easily accessed by rail, air or car.乘火车、飞机或汽车去爱丁堡都很便捷。She bashed up the car pretty badly.她把汽车撞得面目全非。Tony was cleaning the inside of his car.托尼在清扫自己汽车的内部。For next year, the company will offer three cars with turbocharged diesel engines in the United States.明年,该公司将在美国推出三款涡轮增压的柴油发动机汽车Two different models of cars made their débuts.两种不同型号的汽车首次投放市场。Isn't it about time we were getting a new car?难道我们还不该买辆新汽车吗?The car ground to a halt right in the middle of the street.汽车慢慢停在马路正中间。Durable goods include such items as cars, computers, and electrical appliances.耐用品包括像汽车、计算机和电器那样的物品。After all his car accidents the company refused to insure him again.他的汽车出了那么多的事故以后,保险公司不愿再为他承保了。Do not try to board the vehicle once it is in motion.汽车行驶过程中请不要上车。The car dealer certifies each car before it is sold.汽车经销商保证每辆车在售出前都是合格的。He got into the car and drove away.他钻进汽车里把车开走了。I nearly bought the farm when my car skidded off the road.汽车滑出道路时,我差点丢了性命。The truck hit the car broadside on.卡车与汽车侧面相撞。He offered to fix the car for nothing.他主动提出免费修理这辆汽车They spend a lot on clothes and cars.他们在衣服和汽车上花很多钱。




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