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词汇 汹涌
例句 The boat turned turtle in the rough sea.小船在汹涌的海上翻了。The waves became much more powerful at high tide.涨潮时海浪汹涌得多。The fishermen set off in mountainous seas.渔夫们冒着汹涌的海浪出海了。The foaming waves chafe against the rocky shore.汹涌的波涛猛烈地冲击着礁岸。The rain caused torrential flooding.大雨引发了汹涌的洪水。The waters were heaving up in great swells.海水汹涌,波涛滚滚。A week of heavy seas has created problems for fishermen.连续一周汹涌的海浪给渔民们制造了麻烦。The fast-moving tide sometimes surprises unwary swimmers.汹涌的潮水有时会让毫无防备的游泳者措手不及。I'm always seasick if the water/wind/sea/weather is rough.在波涛汹涌时/狂风大作时/汹涌海浪中/暴风雨天气里我总会晕船。The ship pounded through heavy seas.船在汹涌的海面上破浪前进。After five days of heavy rain the Telle River was a raging torrent.下了五天大雨之后,泰勒河成了汹涌的激流。Flood waters poured over the embankments.洪水汹涌地漫过堤岸。The turbulent sea tossed the small boat like a cork.汹涌的海浪将小船像软木塞一样抛来抛去。The ship reeled on the rough sea.船只在汹涌的海面上颠簸不止。Our great ship plowed through the heavy waves.我们的大船穿越汹涌的波浪航行。The rough waves rolled the ship along.汹涌的波涛使船左右摇晃着前进。Even the best whitewater rafters get caught out by the fierce rapids here.即使是最优秀的激流泛舟者也会在这汹涌的水流中遭到不测。A wave is now surging into asset markets.资产市场中正在巨浪汹涌The flood of cars has now slowed to a trickle.汹涌的车流现在已经变得稀稀拉拉。All the pain and anguish inside her rose like a tidal wave.她内心所有的痛苦如潮浪般汹涌After heavy rain, the little stream becomes a raging torrent.暴雨过后,小溪变成了汹涌的洪流。Sudden heavy seas swamped the ship.突如其来的汹涌海浪吞没了那艘船。Fish and seaweed rose, caught motionless in the surging water.鱼和海藻浮起来,在汹涌的水流中动弹不得。The boat pitched violently in a heavy swell.船在汹涌的海浪中剧烈颠簸。He turned in the water, guiding her away from the middle where the surging currents flowed.他在水中转过身来,引导着她离开水流汹涌的河中央。Water came pouring in.汹涌而至。The sense of space and emptiness is overwhelming.巨大的空虚感汹涌袭来。The raging flood waters eroded the fertile farmland.汹涌的洪水侵蚀了肥沃的农地。The wind made the lake waters billow onto the beach.大风吹得湖水汹涌地扑向浅滩。Several houses were carried away when the swollen river suddenly changed its course.汹涌的河水突然改道时,有几所房屋被冲走了。The anchor held in the rough sea.铁锚在汹涌的波涛中牢牢吃住不动。The small boat was bobbing on the rough water of the lake.小船在汹涌的湖面上上下摆动。The cliffs are being constantly eroded by heavy seas.悬崖正不断受到汹涌海浪的侵蚀。The ship was bobbing up and down like a small boat in a heavy ocean swell.轮船在汹涌的海浪中像一叶小舟上下颠簸。High tides are eroding the coast.汹涌的海潮冲蚀着海岸。They stood on the cliff and gazed down at the raging sea beneath.他们站在悬崖上,凝视着下面汹涌的大海。The storm turned the stream into a raging torrent.暴风雨把小溪变成汹涌的激流。A high sea was running that night.那天晚上海上巨浪汹涌The waves became rougher as they drifted.他们在水中漂流的时候波浪变得更加汹涌Heavy rainfall turned the river into a rushing/raging torrent.大雨将河水变成了汹涌的激流。




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